    摘要:滇池,作为云南的母亲湖,近年来随着滇池流域经济的高速发展和城市化进程的加快,灾害频繁、水体污染、水土流失、水资源短缺、水资源分布不均匀等水环境问题日益严重。而本文就是从其污染历程开始分析,通过计算分析其污染成因。其中对从中国环保部官网中2010年、2011年、2012年、2013年和2014年这五年水体的PH值、DO、CODMn以及NH3-N进行研究。运用多因子评价和单因子评价对同一断面近五年水质数据变化进行分析评价。通过以上分析找出其主要污染因子和水质变化规律。通过分析得知两断面的污染因子主要是CODMn 、氨氮这些。并且通过分析水质变化规律来预估未来污染的发展趋势。其污染多是由于工业化、城市化发展过程中造成水质污染、自然演变、水资源匮乏等等原因。这些污染不仅破换了环境,也影响着周边居民的生活。所以全面分析水环境现状存在的问题,制定并提出有效切合实际的水环境保护管理措施,有效遏制水质恶化的趋势,对促进滇池流域社会经济的可持续发展,具有重大的意义。39488
    毕业论文关键词 :水环境;云南滇池;变化规律;防治措施
    The  Research  of  Dianchi’s  water  environment  quality
    Abstract:Dianchi, as the mother lake in Yunnan, in recent years, with the rapid development of the Dianchi river basin economy and the acceleration of the urbanization process, frequent disasters, water pollution, soil erosion, water shortage, water resource distribution, and other water environmental problems are becoming increasingly serious. And this paper is from the beginning of its pollution process, through observation and analysis of the causes of pollution. Which is the official website of China's Ministry of environmental protection in 2010, 2011, 2012,, 2013 and 2014, the five years of the pH value, DO, CODMn and NH3-N. Using the multi factor evaluation and single factor evaluation to analyze the water quality data in the same section of the last five years. Through the above analysis to find out the main pollution factors and water quality variation. Through analysis that the pollution factor of the two section is CODMn, ammonia nitrogen. And through the analysis of water quality change law to estimate the future development trend of pollution. Its pollution is due to the process of industrialization, urbanization, water pollution, natural evolution, water shortage, and so on. These pollution not only broke the environment, but also affect the life of the surrounding residents. Therefore, it is of great significance to comprehensively analyze the current situation of water environment, formulate and propose effective and practical water environmental protection management measures to effectively curb the deterioration of water quality, and promote the sustainable development of social and economic development in Dianchi River Basin.
    Key words:Water environment   Dianchi, Yunnan   Change law   Control measures
    1.引言    1
    1.1选题背景和意义    1
    1.2国内外研究现状    2
    1.2.1国内研究现状    2
    1.2.2国外研究现状    2
    1.3工作内容和方法    3
    2.滇池概况    4
    2.1自然地理概况    4
    2.2污染概况    5
    3.滇池水质数据监测结果    5
    3.1 ph值监测结果    5
    3.2 DO值监测结果    7
    3.3 CODMn值监测结果    9
    3.4 NH3-N 监测结果     11
    4.滇池水质研究    12
    4.1单因子研究    12
    4.2多因子研究    14
    5.滇池水环境预测    16
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