
    设计总说明:本设计为某生活污水处理厂的设计,污水处理厂规模为60000 m3。水质按如下考虑: CODcr:≤370mg/L, BOD5:≤190mg/L,SS:≤330mg/L,  NH3–N≤50 mg/L,TN≤65 mg/L,TP≤5.0 mg/L(上述数据亦可参照有关资料确定)。主要采用T型氧化沟工艺,出水指标要求达到《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB 18918-2002)中二级标准。COD≤100mg.L-, BOD≤30mg L-, SS≤30mg L-, NH3-N≤25mg L-, TP≤2.0mg L-。编写设计说明书; 绘制图纸,折合A2 7张。工程范围为污水处理厂所有污水,污泥处理工程及公用与辅助工程,处理出水经城市污水末管道排放,最终提升泵房不在本设计范围内。污水厂生活供水不在本设计范围内。设计原则:贯彻执行国家关于环境保护的政策,符合国家的有关法规、规范及标准。从城市的实际情况出发,在城市总体规划的指导下,使工程建设与城市的发展相协调,既保护环境,又最大程度地发挥工程效益。根据设计进水水质和出厂水质要求,所选污水处理工艺力求技术先进、成熟、处理效果好、运行稳妥可靠、高效节能、经济合理、确保污水处理效果,减少工程投资及日常运行费用。妥善处理和处置污水处理过程中产生的栅渣、沉砂和污泥,避免造成二次污染。为确保工程的可靠性及有效性,提高自动化水平,降低运行费用,减少日常维护检修工作量,改善工人操作条件,本工程中的关鍵设备拟从国外引进。其它设备和器材则采用合资企业或国内名牌产品。采用现代化技术手段,实现自动化控制和管理,做到技术可靠、经济合理。为保证污水处理系统正常运转,供电系统需有较高的可靠性,采用双回路电源,且污水厂运行设备有足够的备用率。在污水厂征地范围内,厂区总平面布置力求在便于施工、便于安装和便于维修的前提下,使各处理构筑物尽量集中,节约用地,扩大绿化面积,并留有发展余地。使厂区环境和周围环境协调一致。竖向设计力求减少厂区挖、填土方量和节省污水提升费用。厂区建筑风格力求统一,简洁明快,美观大方,并与厂区周围景观相协调。 积极创造一个良好的生产和生活环境,把污水处理厂设计成为现代化的园林式工厂。43805

    毕业论文关键词: T型氧化沟;生活污水;曝气沉砂池;辐流式二沉池

     A Sewage Treatment Plant Design

    This design for the design of a sewage treatment plant:sewage treatment plant size is 60000 m3.Water quality according to the following concerns: CODcr: 370 mg/L, or less BOD5:190 mg/L, or less SS: 330 mg/L or less, NH3 - N 50 mg/L, or less TN acuities were 65 mg/L, TP 5.0 mg/L or less data can be reference to the relevant information to determine (above).Mainly USES the T type oxidation ditch process, index of water required to reach the town sewage treatment plant pollutant discharge standard "(GB 18918-2002) secondary standard.COD 100 mg or less L -, BOD 30 mg or less L -, SS 30 mg or less L -, NH3 - N 25 mg or less L -, TN 20 mg or less L -, TP 2.0 mg L - or less.Write design specifications;Drawings, or A2 7 copies.Project scope to the sewage treatment plant sewage and sludge treatment engineering and public and aided engineering, processing by the end of the urban sewage water pipe emissions, eventually improve pump house is beyond the scope of this design.Sewage plant life water supply is beyond the scope of this design.Design principles: To carry out national policy on environmental protection, comply with the relevant laws and regulations, rules and standards of the state.Starting from the actual situation of the city, under the guidance of the overall urban planning, project construction and the coordinated development of the city, both to protect the environment, and maximum play to the engineering benefit.According to the design water quality and factory quality requirements, the selected sewage treatment technology to advanced technology, mature, good effect, safe and reliable operation, high efficiency and energy saving, economic and reasonable, to ensure that the sewage treatment effect, reduce engineering investment and daily operation cost.Proper treatment and disposal of wastewater treatment process of grid residue, grit and sludge, avoid to cause secondary pollution.In order to ensure the reliability and effectiveness of the project, improve the level of automation, reduce the operation cost, reduce the daily maintenance work, improve the workers operating conditions, the project of the key equipment imported from abroad.Other equipment and the equipment adopt joint venture or domestic famous brand products.Using modern technology, automation control and management, achieve the reliable technology, reasonable economy.To ensure the sewage treatment system normal operation, power supply system needs to have high reliability, using double circuit power supply, and sewage plant operation equipment have enough reserve rate.Within the scope of the sewage plant, the plant general layout strive to facilitate the construction, easy to install and convenient to maintenance under the premise of make each processing structures, as far as possible the economical use of land, expand the green area, and the development of leeway.The campus environment and the surrounding environment is coordinated.The vertical design seeks to reduce factory digging, filling earthwork quantity and saving water fee. The factory building to unified style, concise and lively, beautiful and easy, and in harmony with the landscape around the factory. Actively create a good production and living environment, the sewage treatment plant design become a modern garden factory.

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