
    摘要:湿式氧化技术是从上世纪50年代发展起来的一种在高温、高压下处理高浓度、有毒、有害、生物难降解有机污染物的一种有效的高级氧化技术。 50年来,被广泛地应用于高浓度难降解有机废水和城市污水厂污泥的处理。湿式氧化是在高温(150-350 ℃) 、高压(5-20MPa)的操作条件下,在液相中用空气或氧气作为氧化剂,氧化水中呈溶解态或悬浮态的有机物或还原态的无机物的一种处理方法,最终产物是CO2和水。52658


    最早的湿式空气氧化法是由美国ZIMPRO 公司研制开发,故又称为ZIMPRO 处理工艺. 一般来说,对硫化物的去除可达99.99 %以上,酚的去除率为99. 8 %以上,氰的去除率为65 %以上,COD 的去除率为60 %~96 %以上.ZIMPRO 工艺虽然处理效率高,但由于其反应器终端温度很高,对反应材质要求很高,要求耐高温、耐高压、耐腐蚀,因此设备投资高,限制了它的进一步推广.



    毕业论文关键词: 苯酚;废水;湿式氧化

    The process design of the wet air oxidation to deal with phenol wastewater

    Abstract:The wet air oxidation technology is that the treatment of high concentration, toxic, hazardous, bio-degradable organic pollutants at high temperature, high pressure,that is an effective advanced oxidation technology in the 1950s. For 50 years,  it has been widely used in high concentration of refractory organic wastewater and municipal sewage plant sludge treatment.The wet air oxidation technology happened in high temperature and high pressure.It used as oxidant In the liquid phase air or oxygen. The final product is CO2 and water.

        Since the reform, China's industries continue the rapid development.At the same time, The number and types of industrial wastewater generated a sharp increase. Organic wastewater quality ingredients is more complex. including toxic and hazardous refractory organic wastewater pollution of the environment is extremely serious. and it has caused the government, businessesand other environmental workers a high degree of attention.

        The earliest wet air oxidation method was developed by American ZIMPRO company, so it is also called ZIMPRO process. In general, the removal of sulfide can reach more than 99.99%, the removal rate of phenol is 99.8%. The removal rate of cyanide for more than 65%, the removal rate of COD is 60% ~ 96% .While  ZIMPRO process efficiency is high, but its terminal reactor temperature is very high, and the reaction material requirement is high.  It requires the high temperature, high pressure resistance, corrosion resistance, high equipment investment,.therefore, it limits its further promotion.

        But the single wet oxidation to wastewater treatment is not enough.Not only energy, but also the requirement of equipment is very big and also high on the surrounding environment of requirements. Therefore, the study of wet oxidation method is continuously used. its technology development also has been improved, and the common wet oxidation method is pided into several classes:CWAO、SWAO、WPO and so on.

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