
    摘要:湿式氧化技术是指在高温、高压下处理高浓度、有毒、有害、难降解有机污染物的一种有效的高级氧化技术,是从上个世纪50年代发展起来的。它是在高温( 125 ~ 320 ℃ ) 和高压( 0. 5 ~20 MPa) 下,通入氧化剂富氧气体或是氧气,将有机污染物氧化分解为CO2和水等无机物或小分子有机物的化学过程。52415

    20 世纪以来,迫于不断增加的世界人口和顺向发展的农业、工业活动致使全球淡水消耗量与日俱增,废水解毒的问题已成为一个主要关心的话题。加之石油、化工和制药等工业的飞速发展,越来越多的化工合成物质进入水体,水污染源的数量和种类急剧增加。 其中有许多工业废水是高浓度的、有毒、有害的,而且这些废水采用传统的生物处理工艺降解效率很低,有些情况下甚至根本无法进行,因此传统的生物处理工艺面临着巨大的挑战。


    毕业论文关键词: 丙烯腈;废水;催化剂;湿式氧化

    The process design of the wet air oxidation to deal with Acrylonitrile wastewater.

    Abstract:The wet air oxidation technology is that the treatment of high concentration, toxic, hazardous, bio-degradable organic pollutants at high temperature, high pressure,that is an effective advanced oxidation technology. It is a development from the 1950s for treatment of advanced oxidation technology of high concentration of toxic, hazardous and bio-degradable wastewater . It is in the high temperature (125 ~ 320 ° C) and high pressure (0 5 ~ 20 MPa).It’s also a chemical processes of oxygen as the oxidant, oxidation of organic pollutants is decomposed into carbon dioxide and water and other mineralsor small organic molecules.

        In the 20th century, a sharp increase with the rapid development of the petroleum, chemical and pharmaceutical industries and the number and types of chemical synthetic substances which is into the water.. Much of which are high concentrations and toxic and hazardous industrial waste water; the wastewater using the traditionaldegradation efficiency of biological treatment processes is very low, and sometimes even can not run. so the traditional biological treatment processes has been a huge challenge.

        Since the reform, China's industries continue the rapid development.At the same time, The number and types of industrial wastewater generated a sharp increase. Organic wastewater quality ingredients is more complex. including toxic and hazardous refractory organic wastewater pollution of the environment is extremely serious. and it has caused the government, businessesand other environmental workers a high degree of attention.

        Therefore, we should develop efficient handling of high concentrations of refractory new sound technology for organic waste water, waste water.Refractory organic pollutants harmless to have a key role in the protection of the ecological safety has become the current country important and difficult areas of academia and the engineering of internal and external environment.   

    Keywords:Acrylonitrile; wastewater; catalyst;wet air oxidation

    目  录

    1 概论 1

    1.1 湿式氧化法的原理简述 1

    1.1.1 机理简述 1

    1.1.2 湿式氧化法的使用条件限制 2

    1.1.4 湿式氧化法的工艺发展 2

    1.2 丙烯腈概述 4

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