    本文根据设计任务书设计了一条生产 55 万吨水泥熟料的生产线。本设计采用新型干法生产水泥,生产工艺是以选用新型干法烧成技术为基础,选用新型的优质原料、烟煤预均化技术以及环保粉磨技术和设备,整个生产线选用了计算机自动化的控制,拥有优良、低能耗、节能环保等特点。新型干法窑生料在预热器、分解炉及回转窑内可以同气流、火焰均匀而充分接触,化学反应完善,该技术以悬浮预热和预分解技术为核心,能有效提高水泥窑的热效率和单机生产能力。设计的主要内容有以下几个内容,首先是厂址的选择,建厂条件包括原、燃、材料和辅助材料、交通运输、供电、供水、大件设备运输、厂址及工程地质、外部写作条件、气象、地震以及扩建工程中的老厂工艺、设备设施、技术力量的调查和落实。其次是配料配比的计算。根据设计任务为年产 55万吨熟料,日产1772.76 吨,熟料热耗为3100 kJ/kg。硅酸盐水泥三大率值为饱和比 KH、硅酸率 SM、铝氧率 IM(AM)。经过计算,确定干燥原料配合比为:石灰石 78%,粘土 17%,铁粉 3%,矿渣 2%。然后进行矿物组成的计算得到结果为:在熟料矿物中, C3S占58%左右, C2S占19%左右, C3A占7%-13%左右,C4AF占10%-16%左右。根据上述计算,三项率值都符合要求。获得三率值分别为:KH=0.89,SM=2.2,IM=1.37。煤灰的掺入量为 3.26%,根据公式算得石膏掺入量为 7.1%。在物料衡算中,原然材料消耗定额的计算有一下几个步骤:(1)考虑煤灰掺入时,一吨熟料的干生料理论消耗量。(2)考虑煤灰掺入时,1t 熟料的干生料消耗定额。(3)各种干原料消耗定额。(4)干石膏消耗定额。(5)干混合材(粉煤灰)消耗定额。(6)烧成用干煤消耗定额。(7)湿物料消耗定额。然后在进行熟料产量和水泥产量的计算,制出物料平衡表,作为选择工艺设备、计算各种储库的容量和确定工厂运输量的依据。主机的选型在水泥生产过程中是重要的环节,设计说明书对主机设备进行了较为详细选型,其中重点为预分解窑的选定,回转窑规格为  3.99×47.88 m.,斜度3.5 %,正常转速 3.15 r/min,标定回转窑产量。主机设备的选型计算称为主机平衡。主机平衡即在物料平衡计算和选定车间工作制度的基础上,计算各车间主机要求的生产能力,为选定各车间主机型号、规格和数量提供依据。首先要确定主机生产能力以及确定主机生产时间。只有确定了前两项数据才能进行科学的合理的选型。本设计对回转窑、石灰石破碎机、生料磨、水泥磨、煤磨、烘干机、包装机主要设备进行了选型。同时对堆场和库的面积进行了计算:(1) 石灰石堆场及库(2)煤堆场及库(3)石膏堆场及库(4)  粘土的堆场及库(5)铁粉的堆场及库:(6)矿渣堆场及库(7)生料预均化库(8)熟料储存库:(9)水泥库。最后进行了经济衡算,在对项目的建设规模、产品方案、工艺技术及设备方案、工程方案及项目实施进度等进行研究并基本确定的基础上,估算项目所需资金总额。最后在根据之前所计算的数据,画出厂房布置的平面图,以及生产工艺流程图。 56825
    .Annual Production Capacity of 550 Thousand Tons of Cement Clinker Plant Design Abstract: The cement industry is the basic industry of economic development of our country. At the same time it is also the development of social productive forces, as well as the improvement of the living standards of the important industrial, for the economic development of China, we made significant contribution. As an important building material, it is widely used in civil construction, water conservancy, national defense and other projects, so the production of cement is widely used. According to the design task book, this paper designs a production line of 550 thousand tons of cement clinker. This design uses a new dry process cement production, the production process is to use new dry firing technology as the foundation, the choice of model of high quality raw materials and coal pre equalization technology and environmental grinding technology and equipment, the entire production line selected computer automatic control, has the characteristics of excellent, low energy consumption, energy saving and environmental protection. New dry process kiln raw meal in preheater, decomposition furnace and rotary  kiln can airflow, even flame, and full contact, improve the chemical reaction, the technology in suspension preheater and pre decomposition technique as the core, can effectively improve the cement kiln thermal efficiency and production capacity of a single machine. The main content of the design has the following contents, the first is the choice of the site, the plant conditions including original, burnt, materials and auxiliary materials, transportation, power supply, water supply, transportation of large equipment, site and engineering geology, writing external conditions, meteorological, seismological and expansion process of the old factory process, equipment and facilities, technical force to investigate and implement. Followed by the calculation of the proportion of ingredients. According to the design task for an annual output of 550 thousand tons of clinker, Nissan 1772.76 tons, the heat consumption of clinker is 3100 kJ/kg. Portland cement three rate values for the saturation ratio of KH, SM, IM ratio of alumina silicate ratio (AM). After calculation, the ratio of dry raw materials is determined as follows: Limestone 78%, clay 17%, iron powder 3%, slag 2%. Then the results of the calculation of mineral composition: in clinker minerals, C3S accounted for about 58%, C2S accounted for about 19%, C3A accounted for about 7%-13%, C4AF accounted for about 10%-16%. According to the above calculation, the three rate values are in line with the requirements. Three rate values were obtained: KH=0.89, SM=2.2, IM=1.37. The content of fly ash is 3.26%, according to the formula, the content of gypsum is 7.1%. In the material balance, although the original material consumption quota calculation has a few steps: (1) to consider the incorporation of ash, a ton of clinker dry theory of raw material consumption. (2) consider ash incorporation, 1t clinker dry raw material consumption quota. (3) all kinds of dry raw material consumption quota. (4) the consumption quota of the dry plaster. (5) the consumption quota of dry mixed material (fly ash). (6) the norm of dry coal consumption. (7) wet material consumption quota. Then the material balance sheet is produced in the calculation of clinker production and cement production, which is the basis of selecting process equipment, calculating the capacity of all kinds of storage capacity and determining the quantity of transportation. Host selection in the cement production process is an important link and design specification of the host device were detailed selection, which selected key pre decomposition kiln, rotary kiln specifications for 3.99 * 47.88 M., slope of 3.5%, normal speed 3.15 R / min, calibration rotary kiln production. Host equipment selection calculation called host balance. Based on the calculation of the material balance and the working system of the workshop, the balance of the main engine is calculated, and the production capacity of each plant is calculated, which provides the basis for the selection of the host model, specification and quantity of each workshop. First to determine the host production capacity and determine the host production time. Only the first two data can be determined in order to carry out scientific and rational selection. The design of the rotary kiln, limestone crusher, raw mill, cement mill, coal mill, drying machine, packaging machine main equipment for the selection. At the same time the yard and library area were calculated: (1) limestone yard and Library (2) coal yard and warehouse (3) gypsum yard and Library (4) clay yard and Library (5) iron yard and  Library: (6) slag yard and Library (7) of raw meal pre homogenization Library (8) clinker storage: (9) cement silo. Finally, the economic balance and in the project construction scale, product plan, technology and equipment of the project, project and project implementation progress to study and determine the basic foundation, estimate the project required total funds. Finally, according to the data calculated before, draw the layout of the plant plan, and the production process flow chart.
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