摘 要:近海与人类的生产生活活动的密切相关,直接决定其能为人类提供着多种资源和各种重要的生态、环境服务功能,其水质优劣与否也直接关系到人类社会的可持续发展。本文以海洲湾近岸海域为例,为探明该区域水环境质量状况,运用本文建立的基于主成分分析的改进投影寻踪聚类评价模型对海洲湾近岸海域13个监测点的水质状况进行分析,结果表明,13个监测点中,水质状况维持在一类、二类、三类级别的分别占30.77%、30.77%以及38.46%,未有点位处于四类及以上级别。从整体上看,海洲湾近岸海域水体质量不能令人满意,而且它还可能会继续恶化。另为判别该方法的有效性,采用模糊综合评价法对其加以验证,发现2种方法的评价结果较为一致,从而初步证明了应用基于主成分分析的改进投影寻踪聚类评价模型评估海洲湾近岸海域水质的状况具有一定的合理性。57243


    Abstract:Offshore water and human production and life activities are closely related, this determined its direct for human resources and provide a variety of various important ecological and environmental service function, the water quality is bad or not directly related to the sustainable development of the human society. In this paper, the coastal water area of Haizhou Bay is taken as a case study, to verify the water quality condition of this area, we used the improved projection pursuit cluster evaluation model based on principal component analysis method to analyze the water quality condition of 13 monitoring points in the coastal waters of Haizhou Bay. The result showed that in the 13 monitoring points in the coastal waters of Haizhou Bay, water quality condition maintained in the first class level accounted for 30.77%, the second class level accounted for 30.77% and 38.46% for the third class level, and monitoring points with no point belonged to the fourth class level. In general, the water quality condition of coastal waters of Haizhou Bay was not good and it is likely to be even worse. Apart from that, to judge the validity of this method, we adopted fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to test and prove, and then we found that the results of the two methods were similar. Therefore, it preliminary proved that the improved projection pursuit cluster evaluation model based on principal component analysis method is of rationality when it is used to analyze the water quality condition.

    Keywords:Assessment standard, water quality, projection pursuit cluster evaluation model, principal component analysis method, fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, the coastal water area of Haizhou Bay

    目  录

    1 引言 6

    2 监测数据的获取 6

    3 海洲湾水质现状分析 7

    4 海洲湾近岸海域水体质量综合评价 8

    4.1 投影寻踪聚类评价模型 8

    4.1.1 基本步骤 8

    4.1.2 等级评价标准 11

    4.1.3 评价结果 11

    4.2 验证方法——模糊综合评价法 11

    4.2.1 确定评价指标 12

    4.2.2 建立模糊关系矩阵R 12

    4.2.3 建立权重集 13

    4.3 比较分析 14

    结  论 16


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