    摘要:    塑料门窗具有传统门窗难以比拟的优异性能,是国家建设部推广使用的节能、环保型产品。目前已广泛用于各种建筑工程中,其发展空间很大,前景十分看好。PVC-U塑料作为一种新兴节能材料在目前的应用中起到越来越大的作用,在建筑节能和改善居住环境方面起着重大的作用。本设计从聚氯乙烯生产工艺着手,选择普遍使用的双螺杆挤出成型的成型方法生产PVC塑料门窗,通过配方选择、物料衡算、设备选型、工艺参数确定、工艺流程图及平面设计图的绘制等过程对整个工艺流程作了较为详尽的设计说明。
    关键词:    塑料门窗异型材   PVC-U   生产车间   工艺设计4221
    Workshop process designed annual output of 10,000 tons of door and window profile
    Abstract:    Plastic doors and windows has excellent performance that traditional doors and windows difficult to compare. It is so energy-saving and environment-friendly as to becoming the product that ministry of our construction promotes it’s use. For the present, plastic doors and windows has been widely used in all kinds of architectural engineering, it has a bright future.U - PVC plastic as an emerging energy-saving materials in the current applications have played more and more important role in building energy efficiency and improve, living environment plays a significant role.This design, starting from PVC production technology choice commonly used twin-screw extrusion molding method production PVC plastic doors and Windows, through the formula selection, material calculation, equipment selection, process parameters are controlled for the whole process flow process such as more detailed elaboration.
    Key Words:    plastic windows and doors;PVC-U;production workshop;process design
    目录摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    ii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    概述    1
    1.2    塑料门窗定义和分类    1
    1.2.1    塑料门窗的定义    1
    1.2.2    门窗的分类    1
    1.2.3    塑料门窗的构成    2
    1.3    塑料门窗异型材发展状况及供需    2
    1.3.1    塑料异型材的发展状况    2
    1.3.2    我国产业现状    3
    1.3.3    国内外市场供需小结    3
    1.4    本设计工厂选址    3
    2    PVC塑料门窗异型材生产工艺    5
    2.1    国内外主要生产工艺路线介绍    5
    2.1.1    单螺杆挤出成型    5
    2.1.2    双螺杆挤出成型    6
    2.2    挤出型材用机头    11
    2.2.1    机头设计原则    11
    2.2.2    异型材机头结构设计    12
    2.3    双螺杆挤出生产工艺流程    12
    2.3.1    原材料的准备和预处理    12
    2.3.2    配料称重    13
    2.3.3    原料混合    13
    2.3.4    挤出成型    14
    2.3.5    定型    15
    2.3.6    冷却    17
    2.3.7    牵引与切割    17
    2.3.8    破碎    18
    2.3.9    成品堆放    18
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