
Design of Printing and Dyeing Wastewater Treatment System in a Printing and Dyeing Plant Design General Information:

This paper is the design of a printing and dyeing plant dyeing and printing sewage treatment system, requiring daily processing of 2,000 cubic meters of printing and dyeing wastewater. The main task of this design is based on the nature of the printing and dyeing sewage, sewage size requirements of the completion of the initial design of sewage treatment plants and inpidual treatment structure design. Requiring the sewage treatment plant after the treatment of major pollutants are in line with the "textile dyeing and finishing industry water pollutant discharge standards" GB4287-92 in a standard.

    The water quality of the effluent is BOD5: 400-600mg / L, CODCr: 1200mg / l, SS: 1000mg / L, chroma ≤800, PH: 8-12, the treated effluent is BOD5: 30mg / L, CODCr : 100 mg / l, SS: 70 mg / L, chroma 50, pH: 6-9. Considering the simple process, the operation is flexible, the construction cost is low and the treatment effect is good, the effluent is reliable, the sludge settling performance is good, the effect of removing phosphorus and denitrification is good, and the adaptability to water quality and water ratio is strong. Therefore, SBR treatment process is adopted.

    The SBR pool plays a number of roles: mediation mixing tanks, reaction tanks (anaerobic, anoxic and aerobic), sedimentation tanks and partial concentrates. Basically all operations are carried out in such a reactor, where the muddy water mixture, the oxidation, digestion, denitrification, phosphorus absorption and release, and mud separation are carried out at different times. It does not need to set up a second settling tank and sludge reflow equipment, under normal circumstances do not have a regulating pool and the initial settling tank. Therefore, the use of SBR process sewage treatment system greatly reduces the number of structures, saving infrastructure costs, and often have a compact layout, saving the advantages of the area. The treatment effect is good, the water is reliable. From the point of view of reaction kinetics, SBR reactors have their advantages. According to the kinetic model of the activated sludge reaction, the continuous flow biological treatment reactor is mainly composed of two kinds of fluid and two kinds of flow in the continuous flow. In the continuous flow reactor, only one of the cross sections of the aeration tank , There is no vertical "back mixed". The concentration of the substrate from the highest level of the effluent gradually degrades to the maximum concentration at the effluent, providing the greatest biochemical reaction. During the aeration reaction phase, the mixture in the reactor is in a fully mixed state, but the concentration of the matrix and the microorganism decreases gradually with time, which is equivalent to a time-flow state. So the SBR reactor achieves the characteristics of the two reactors in the continuous flow. Better phosphorus and nitrogen removal effect. Phosphorus removal and denitrification is a relatively complex process that requires the purpose of providing anaerobic, anoxic and aerobic stages during the treatment to achieve nitrification and denitrification and the release of phosphorus. In the SBR process, a single reactor can achieve a different purpose. Because in the SBR method through the five process time arrangement, easier to achieve anaerobic, anaerobic and aerobic state alternately, can maximize the biological nitrogen and phosphorus removal to meet the theoretical environmental conditions. Sludge settling performance is good. Activated sludge expansion is a problem that often occurs during the treatment of activated sludge. Sludge expansion problem more than 90% of the filamentous bacteria sludge expansion, due to filamentous bacteria over the breeding, the growth and reproduction of the micelles are inhibited, many filamentous bacteria out of the sludge surface, making the floc loose, precipitation Sexual deterioration. SBR method can effectively control the excessive propagation of filamentous bacteria, sludge SVI is low, is a sludge settling performance is more good process. The water quality and water than the changes in the adaptability. The effect of treatment will be affected by the amount of water quality, mainly because it will change the treatment environment, and microbial requirements of their living environment conditions are often more stringent. Therefore, theoretically, the fully mixed reactor has a stronger resistance to impact load than the push-flow reactor. The SBR process, although ideal for the time of the push-flow process, but the reactor structure to maintain a typical fully mixed characteristics. So can withstand greater water quality fluctuations, with a strong impact load capacity. SBR pool is in the idle state, the microorganism through the endogenous respiratory resuscitation, dissolved oxygen concentration decreased, play a certain denitrification and denitrification, for the next cycle to create a good initial conditions. Since the microorganisms in the post-idle period are in a hungry state and the surface area of the activated sludge is larger, the activated sludge can exert its strong adsorption capacity for the initial adsorption and removal of the organic matter during the new run cycle The In addition, the standby process can make the dissolved oxygen in the pool to further reduce the denitrification process to provide a good condition.

















