“Discharge standard of pollutants for municipal wastewater treatment plant” 

(GB 18918-2002)

“Code for design of outdoor sewerage engineering”          (GB50014-2006)

“General layout design specification for industrial enterprises” (GB50187-2012)

“Urban sewage treatment project construction standards”     (2001 revised edition)

“Code for design of substations under 20KV and below”      (GB50053-2013)

Design principles: The design of the WWTP is the same as that of other engineering designs and must meet the applicable requirements, where the emission requirements should be ensured first。 Process, structural form, design criteria and data for major equipment, the actual economic technology and local specific environmental conditions must be fully taken into account (eg geographical location, construction conditions, etc。)。 To meet the expected economic requirements, can not run in the future because the economy did not achieve the full planning of the cause of the entire sewage plant can not run the situation。 The design parameters of the various structures must be realistic and do not conflict with local conditions such as natural conditions and water quality。 The design process to comply with the design specifications, construction safety must be protected。 With the development of science and technology, in the economic and technical do not contradict the principle of the design of the sewage plant should also be developed, as far as possible the use of advanced technology to benefit the people, make a certain contribution to the economy。 Avoid secondary pollution。 Try to avoid or reduce the negative impact on the environment, leachate production in the production of slag, sludge, odor, etc。 are properly disposed of treatment, try to avoid, put an end to the secondary pollution of the environment。 The entire process should make the operation and management more handy。 Reasonable layout of the building structure, the process of automatic control, and strive to be safe and reliable, affordable, in order to improve the management level, improve labor efficiency and operating costs。 The implementation of the relevant provisions of the national environmental protection, so that the treated water meet the emission standards。

Main technical information: The design uses SBR sewage treatment process。 Unlike conventional sewage treatment methods, the spatial pision mode is converted to a time pision mode of operation during SBR wastewater treatment。 The traditional precipitation method is transformed into a static ideal precipitation method, and the biochemical reaction is replaced by unsteady state。 SBR sewage treatment process is more different from other sewage treatment process is that there is no secondary settling tank in its treatment equipment, there is no sludge return system。 Sewage treated by SBR technology achieves direct discharge standards。 The resulting sludge in the concentration, the composting reaction can occur and to be used to create the economic benefits。

The design specifications include the selection of sewage treatment process options and the determination of the process。 At the same time, the calculation design of the main structure, the overall layout of the sewage treatment plant and the budget cost are described。 In the calculation process, the formula calculation and the scope of the standard is based on the "serial number of technical regulations" on the requirements。

After the treatment of the process, the effluent quality will meet the following criteria: COD ≤ 100mg L-, BOD ≤ 30mg L-, SS ≤ 30mg L-, NH3-N ≤ 25mg L, TP ≤ 3。0mg L- Water quality has reached the " Discharge standard of pollutants for municipal wastewater treatment plant " (GB 18918-2002) in the two standards。

















