摘 要:幼儿是祖国未来的希望,如何让幼儿健康快乐成长是每位教师必须思考的问题。幼儿教育是所有教育的起点,因而好的幼儿教育是成功的一半。在幼儿活动中通过引入自制玩学具,不但能够开发幼儿的各类潜能,还能为幼儿活动增添很多乐趣。本文主要通过实地观察与搜集相关数据,对幼儿园自制玩学具在活动区的投放现状进行了深入调查,分析自制玩学具在活动区的使用中存在的问题,并尝试提出切实可行的策略来提高幼儿园活动区自制玩学具的效用。93847
Abstract:Children are the hope of the country。How to make the children grow up healthily and happily is the problem that every teacher must think about。 Preschool education is the start of all education, thus good preschool education is half of the success。 Activities for kids by introducing teacher-made toys&learning material can not only develop various potential of the children,but also add a lot of fun to activities。This article conducts a deep investigation in the delivery status of the teacher-made toys&learning material in active area through on-the-spot observation and relevant data。It analyses the problems of using teacher-made toys&learning material in active area。It also attempts to put forward the feasible strategy for improving the effectiveness of teacher-made toys&learning material in the kindergarten。源C于H优J尔W论R文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ752-018766
Key words:kindergarten,active area,teacher-made toys&learning material, effectiveness research
目 录
1 前言 3
2 活动区和自制玩学具的概念 3
3 幼儿园自制玩学具的效用 3
3.1 满足幼儿天性,促进幼儿身心健康发展 3
3.2 开发幼儿潜能,辅助幼儿的语言学习 4
3.3 丰富幼儿审美经验,激发幼儿的艺术创作能力 4
3.4 培养幼儿良好习惯,增强幼儿的合作意识 5
4 幼儿园自制玩学具在活动区使用的现状 5
4.1 J幼儿园活动区所投放玩学具的来源 5
4.2 J幼儿园自制玩学具在各活动区的投放情况 6
5 当前幼儿园活动区自制玩学具存在的问题 6
5.1 幼儿参与度低,忽视幼儿年龄特点 7
5.2 缺乏创新,幼儿园包办材料采买 7
5.3 与家园和社区脱节 8
6 提高幼儿园活动区自制玩学具效用的策略 8
6.1 以幼儿为本,发挥玩学具的最大价值 8
6.2 激发教师的创新精神,给予教师部分采买权 8
6.3 加强家园合作,充分利用社区资源 9
结论 10
参考文献 11
1 前言来自优I尔Q论T文D网WWw.YoueRw.com 加QQ7520~18766