摘 要: 注重启发式诱导是新的《语文课程标准》对教师的要求,反馈作为小学语文启发式讲授的一种主要手段,是有用讲授的重点。此中,课堂教学中的反馈尤为重要。虽然教学反馈的作用很大,但当前我国小学语文课堂教学反馈仍存在反馈内容单一、评价语俗套、反馈脱离教学目标、反馈不符合语文本质特点和反馈面窄等问题。针对这些问题,我认为应采用面向全体的激励式反馈原则,将反馈运用于解决大问题的思维与情感之中;符合儿童心理特征,落实反馈的语言文字练习,将反馈贯串于课堂教学每一关键。同时通过运用摸底、即时、延时、综合、整体反馈和改革课堂教学结构等方式,充分达到有效的小学语文教学反馈效果。55426
Abstract: The new Chinese course standard requires teachers to pay attention to the heuristic education. As an important form of heuristic education, feedback has been the core of effective teaching. Among them, the feedback of classroom teaching is especially important. Although the function of teaching feedback is very big, there still exist many problems: the content of feedback is stereotype, the evaluation of language is changeless, the feedback is far away from the teaching goals, the range of feedback is narrow. To my point, I think we can take these actions to solve the problems: first, use the simulative feedback strategies to the thinking and emotion of solving big problems; second, take children’s psychological characteristics and language training into every link of classroom teaching feedback; third, use different feedback ways and reform classroom teaching structure. Only do these can we get an effective classroom teaching feedback.
Keywords: primary Chinese; effective classroom; teaching-learning feedback
目 录
1 引言 3
2 小学语文教学反馈的意义 3
2.1 教学反馈的成果对学生的学业以及教学进程的调控意义 3
2.2 教学反馈成果为查验教师和改良讲授提供根据 3
2.3 教学反馈能增强教学的动力,为完成科学化讲授提供条件 3
2.4 教学反馈对于端正教学思维、改善教学水平有积极意义 4
2.5 教学反馈可以用于检验教学步骤对于教学方针的适用性 4
3 小学语文课堂教学反馈失当而带来的问题 4
3.1 反馈形式简略,内容单一,机会不公平 4
3.2 课堂反馈评价话语固化,反馈流于形式,轻视生的感情必要 5
3.3 课堂反馈未紧扣讲授方针,不符合语文实践性的内涵 5
3.4 课堂反馈的评价主观性较强,缺少一定的客观性 5
3.5 反馈面小,对后进生缺少关注 5
4 有效的小学语文课堂教学反馈原则 6
4.1 用鼓励性的话语激起孩子的主人翁意识,以期望鼓励热忱 6
4.2 强调面向更多孩子,让每一个孩子都有机会获得成长 6
4.3 将反馈形式与孩子踊跃的思维与感情相结合 6
4.4 操纵最近发展区,把反馈集中于大问题的化解进程中