    摘  要:教育实习是教育专业学生在本校带队教室和中学指导老师的指导下,运用已经获得的专业知识、教育理论和技能,在中学从事一段时间的教学实践活动,是培养师范生从业能力、创新能力的有效途径。让学生将所学基础理论、专业知识和基本技能,综合运用于中学教育教学实践,为以后走上工作岗位打下基础。同时能够检验高校的办学质量,获得反馈信息,扬长补短,改进教学,提高教学质量,以更好的适应中学素质教育改革的需要。本论文在对师范生的教育实习的相关调查的前提下,了解了师范生在教育实习中遇到的困境,并对这些困境做出了相应的分析,进一步指出了目前高等师范院校师范生对教育实习应持的态度,以及教育实习中所遇困境的解决方法,为师范院校的教育实习提出意见或建议。8460

    Investigation And Analysis of The Difficulties of Normal
    Students in Educational Practice
    Abstract: Education practice refers to engaging in teaching practice education in high school for a period of time for education students, which is under lead and guid of teacher's from school and high school, need professional knowledge, theory of education and skills and is effective way to cultivate students' professional ability, the innovation ability, which make the students  to use the learning basic theory, professional knowledge and basic skills on education and teaching practice of high school. Education practice also can test the quality of running school, get feedback information, improve teaching, improve teaching quality, is better for meeting the needs of the quality education reformation of middle school. Based on survey education practice for education students, the difficulties in which are found, corresponding analysis of these difficulties are made, further points out the attitude that the students should hold, the solution of difficulties in education practice, and give some suggestions or comments for normal universities education practice.
    Key Words: Normal students; Educational practice; Difficulties; Investigation Report; Analysis
    目    录

    摘要    1
    引言    2
    1. 教育实习的意义    2
    1.1 培养学生牢固的专业思想    2
    1.2 培养学生从事教育教学能力及其他素质的有效途径    2
    1.3 使实习生向社会推销自己的途径之一    2
    2. 师范生教育实习中的困境调查    3
    2.1 调查的目的    3
    2.2 调查的形式与对象    3
    2.3 调查问卷的设计    3
    2.4调查的实施    3
    3. 问卷调查数据的统计与分析    4
    3.1 对教育实习时间以及实习形式的统计与分析    4
    3.2 在课堂教学方面    6
    3.3 在板书板画方面    6
    3.4 在教学语言方面    6
    3.5 课堂偶发事件处理不当    7
    3.6 实习前期准备不足,缺乏基础性    7
    4. 实习生克服困境的有效途径    7
    4.1 树立良好的教师形象并牢记教师职责    7
    4.2 研究课标并吃透教材    7
    4.3 合适教法的选择与恰当学法的指导    8
    4.4 提高科学素养    8
    4.5 练就一口流利的语言和一手漂亮的板书板画    9
    4.6 克服教学心理失态    9
    4.7 克服教学失态    9
    4.8 加强微格教学进行专项技能训练    9
    4.9 沉着冷静解决课堂偶发事件    10
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