摘要:随着会展业的发展,人们意识到会展业对城市发展的作用和影响,在内地很多城市盲目跟风一个个发展会展业,但是很少有人注意到这里能不能办展会,办了以后会不会成功,能不能长期发展下去等问题,这就让人开始思考我国那些城市可以发展会展业,并且能够成功成为那个地区会展中心城市,带动周围其他城市的经济发展。在内地已经形成了长三角,珠三角等会展中心区域,并且已经形成会展中心城市。虽然中国土地面积很大,发展会展业的大部分是一些沿海和中东部城市,现在这些城市严重出现重复办展,参展商参展次数多效果低,会展产品需求达到一种饱和状态。但是谁都没注意我国西部非常有潜力的市场等着发现、开发,全国优尔分之一的土地等着发展,等着会展业带动经济。喀什市是整个新疆,文吾尔族的文化中心,这里存在着跟内地完全不一样的文化,这种文化能够吸引国内外参展商和观众。而且喀什现在有几个陆地出口区,陆地就能通向亚洲和欧洲大部分国家,这种条件给喀什带来其他城市无法拥有的优势,再一个,新疆确实是一个好地方,值得去看,有不少的经典景区,另外喀什是整个南疆的文化经济中心,在喀什发展会展业对整个新疆的发展影响非常大。 20999 毕业论文关键字: 会展业;潜在城市;喀什
Study of potential exhibition cities- Case of kashgar
Abstract :With the development of exhibition industry, people realize the role and impact of exhibition industry to the development of urban cities , many cities in the Mainland blindly follow the trend to develop exhibition industry , but few people noticed the problems that whether it is Suitable for exhibition here , whether it will be successful , whether it is a long-term development, which makes people began to think of those cities who can answer all the questions above , and can become a successful convention center in that region ,and also promote economic development around the other cities. In the east China there has been formed the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta region which centered in Peking,Shanghai and Guangzhou . Although China has a large land area most of the developing the exhibition industry in China are the coastal and eastern cities , now there are serious duplications of exhibition in these cities , exhibitors participate exhibitions too many times but gain no effects , the demand for exhibition products reached a saturation point . But no one pay attention to the western part that a very potential market waiting for discovery and development. The entire Xinxiang,one sixths of china waiting to be developed ,yet Kashgar is the cultural center of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region , where there is a completely different culture with the mainland that can attract domestic and foreign exhibitors and visitors . And now there are several Terrestrial export zone , the Terrestrial export lead most Asian and European countries , such conditions brings Kashgar the advantage that other cities do not have .besides , Xinjiang is really a good place, there are a lot of classic scenic spots worth seeing, and then Kashgar is the cultural and economic center of the entire southern Xinjiang , Development of exhibition industry in Kashgar will has Significant impact on the economy of Xinjiang.
Key word: exhibition;Potential City,;Kashgar
一、 绪论 5
(一) 研究背景 5
(二) 研究目的 5
(三) 研究意义 6
二、 会展业与城市发展 7
(一) 会展业的发展 7
(二) 会展业的功能 8