摘 要:动漫产业属于资金密集型产业,融资渠道狭窄、商业银行信贷投入不足,风险投资不积极进入、自身资金力量薄弱成为动漫产业发展的制约因素。只有通过拓宽融资渠道、创建科学的评估体系、完善相关法律法规、 严厉打击盗版、打造有竞争力的动漫企业联盟等措施,才能从根本解决动漫产业融资难的问题,进而促进动漫产业的健康持续发展。 20940 毕业论文关键词:动漫产业;融资;资产评估体系
Research on Financing Problem and Countermeasures of Cartoon Industry
Abstract: Animation industry is capital intensive industries, the lack of funds has become the bottleneck of the development of animation industry. Based on the concept of animation industry and financing, through the detailed elaboration to the animation industry, animation industry chain as well as the animation enterprise in different life cycle of different ways of financing, financing, to find out the existing problems in the process of financing, and has carried on the thorough analysis. On this basis and puts forward the countermeasures to perfect the measures of cartoon industry financing, as well as the future of the animation industry financing innovation strategy, and thus play a supporting role to the high capital of animation industry, further promote the development of animation industry in China sustained.
Key words: Animation industry; Financing ; Assets evaluation system;
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract 1
一、动漫产业融资概述 2
(一)动漫产业及融资内涵 2
(二)融资是动漫产业发展的重要环节 2
(三)目前我国动漫产业的主要融资模式 3
二、动漫产业融资中存在的问题 5
(一)融资渠道狭窄 5
(二)商业银行信贷投入不足 5
(三)风投在动漫产业中存在的问题 6
(四)动漫产业链中存在的融资问题 6
(五)初创期的动漫企业存在的融资问题 7
三、完善动漫产业融资的对策 7
(一)拓宽融资渠道 7
(二)加大银行信贷对动漫产业的资金投入 8
(三)应对风投问题的对策 9
(四)完善动漫产业链不同环节融资对策 9
(五)打造有竞争力的动漫企业联盟 10
(优尔)动漫产业融资创新 11
参考文献 13
致谢 14