摘要:自美国于2009年宣布加入“跨太平洋伙伴关系协定”(TPP)并积极推行其发展后,TPP的谈判规模迅速扩大,其发展动向也受到全世界,尤其是亚太国家的广泛关注。学界普遍认为美国加入TPP,冲击了中国在亚太地区的利益,改变了整个亚太地区的贸易流向,意在遏制中国。因此,为了便于中国政府有的放矢做出政策应对,讨论TPP可能对中国贸易产生的影响是十分重要的,本文将分析TPP的内容和特征以及美国大力推动TPP谈判的意图并在此基础上重点研究TPP对中国贸易的整体影响及对中美中日和中国东盟贸易产生的影响,并解释这一现象的原因。最后结合目前国内和国际形势,探讨中国加入TPP的可能性,认为中国应以辩证的眼光看待TPP所带来的机遇与挑战,同时建议中国从根本上进行国内改革,在更大范围,更高层次上参与全球化和区域经济一体化,也对本领域今后的研究具有一定的借鉴和参考价值。24079 毕业论文关键词:跨太平洋伙伴关系协定;贸易影响;贸易自由化
The Impact of Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) on Chinese Foreign Trade
Abstract: Since America announced to join TPP (Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement) and actively promote the development of it, the negotiation scale of TPP expanded so quickly that its tendency has attracted worldwide attention, especially Asia Pacific countries. The scholars generally believe America’s participation in TPP impacts the China’s interests in Asia Pacific Region, change the trade flows throughout this region and suppress China’s influence. Therefore, in order to help the Chinese government make proper policy, it’s very important to make a research on the impact which TPP will possible make on Chinese international trade. The thesis will analyze the contents and features of TPP, The reason why America actively promote the development of TPP. Based on this, focuses on the possible impact that TPP will make on China’s international trade with America, Japan and other countries in ASEAN, then the thesis will explain the reason for this phenomenon. In the end, the thesis will analyze the possibility of China’s entering TPP according to the current situation both abroad and at home. It is believed that China should look on the advantages and challenges brought about by TPP with dialectical outlook. At the same time, it suggested that china should do the domestic reform fundamentally and participate in the globalization and regional economic integration on a higher level, larger scale. The thesis also lay a good foundation for future research.
Key Words: Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement; Trading influence; Free trading