Abstract: The “New three-agri” problem generated in industrialization and modernization of the traditional agricultural society 。Under the issue of The “New three-agri” problem,There are some new contradictions in the agricultural development,Such as the agricultural development is facing the resource environment " double constraints ", the agricultural structure adjustment is difficult, the agricultural development way is unreasonable, the growth motive is backward。Therefore, we need to accelerate the agricultural supply chain reform, to achieve a new balance of supply and demand, to solve the "New three-agri" problem and to provide a new path to the agricultural modernization 。This article through literature analysis and case analysis,shows some attempts at the beginning of agricultural supply side reform,with some successful international experience in Zhejiang province ,puts forward some suggestions for the next agricultural supply side reform in China。The reform of agricultural supply side should be based on reality,explore the most suitable model for the regional development,then,under the form of new and constant States and " internet plus ",the reform of agricultural supply side should also conform to the trend,rely on the internet and rural finance,find a way for China's agricultural conditions。
关键词:新三农; 农业供给侧改革; 农业现代化;农村金融
Keyword:New three-agri ;Agricultural supply side reform;agricultural modernization;rural finance
目 录
1。引言 3
1。1研究背景 3
1。2研究意义 4
2。文献综述 4
3。“新三农”问题 5
4。 农业供给侧改革的源Q于W优E尔A论S文R网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ75201,8766 背景和动因 6
4。1农业供给侧结构性改革提出的背景 6
4。2农业供给侧改革的动因 6
4。2。1粮食连年增产和库存压力加大 7
4。2。2过量进口冲击粮食生产能力 7
4。2。3粮食市场化改革的需要 7
5。浙江省农业供给侧改革 7
5。1浙江省现代农业发展中的供给侧结构问题 7
5。1。1农业结构性矛盾突出,农产品保供给保安全任务加重 7