关键词:奢侈品消费 中国市场 营销策略 奢侈品发展趋势
The current situation of China luxury consumption and trade development trend
Abstract:Along with the Chinese economy's development, the national might control the income increase, China already became the luxury goods the important market, 2010 amount of consumption was 10,700,000,000 US dollars, occupied the world second. However, in "Business journal" every year selects in the world most popular brand hundred strong announcements, actually does not have a seat to belong to the Chinese brand. In view of this, this article starts from the luxury goods outline, has analyzed the Chinese luxury goods market expense community and the present situation, has carried on the constructive analysis to the Chinese luxury goods brand's market marketing, and proposed that consummates the Chinese independent luxury goods brand marketing strategy certain suggestions.
Key Words: Luxury Consumption Chinese Market Marketing Strategy Present situation of Development Trends
目 录
引言 1
1、我国奢侈品消费现状 2
1.1 我国奢侈品消费的总体情况 2
1.2 我国奢侈品消费的特点 3
1.2.1 奢侈品消费“年轻化”趋势 3
1.2.2通常“两头在外” 3
2、我国奢侈品消费现状分析 5
2.1 我国奢侈品消费特征 5
2.1.1 消费产品特征 5
2.1.2 购买地点特征 5
2.1.3 人口及心理特征 6
2.2 我国奢侈品消费现状产生的不良后果 7
2.2.1 奢侈品海外消费不利于拉动中国内需 7
2.2.2 奢侈品海外消费降低了中国政府税收 7
2.2.3 不利于我国经济增长模式的转变 8
2.3 我国奢侈品消费“两头在外”的原因分析 8
2.3.1 历史原因 8
2.3.2 国外奢侈品市场发展成熟, 实力强大 8
2.3.3 中国奢侈品产业处于萌芽状态 9
3、发展我国奢侈品产业的必要性、可行性及面临的挑战 11
3.1 中国奢侈品品牌发展的现状 11
3.2 发展我国奢侈品产业的必要性 11
3.2.1 我国有庞大的消费群体与强大的购买力 11
3.2.2 有助于我国拉动内需 11
3.3 发展我国奢侈品产业的可行性 12
3.3.1 我国知识产权保护日益完善 12
3.3.2 我国商业发达,已有众多新兴品牌 13
3.4 我国奢侈品产业目前面临的挑战 13
3.4.1 中国企业还缺乏品牌经营能力 13
3.4.2 部分国人“崇洋媚外”的观念根深蒂固 13
3.4.3 综合营销能力的欠缺 14
3.4.4 产品设计能力有待加强 14
4、如何发展我国奢侈品产业 15
4.1 提升奢侈品营销能力 15