摘要跨境电子商务分为一般大宗商品贸易及零售贸易,随着贸易方式的逐渐改变,小批量、高频率、速度快的跨境电子商务零售市场比传统的集装箱的大额订单得到更好的发展。本文通过对中国跨境电子商务市场所面临的全球经济低迷的大环境下,说明中国跨境电子商务零售市场B2C凭借稳定的资金流和更大的盈利空间得到了各企业的青睐。运用分析比较的方法,得出虽然跨境电商零售市场的发展增速加快以及消费总额在社会零售总额的占比上升,但由于跨境电商零售市场仍然面临着异地物流运输难题、跨境电子支付系统不完善以及征税退税等的问题,所以消费总额在整个进出口贸易中所占比例仍然较小。对此本文提出通过提高通关效率、完善电子支付系统、建立新型跨境第三方物流企业模式等方法来推动中国跨境电商零售市场的发展。 45788 毕业论文关键词:跨境电子商务; 零售; B2C模式
Cross-border e-commerce is pided into general commodity trade and retail trade. Compared with the traditional international trade, the retail has more potential market. It always small batch, high frequency and high speed. This article through the Chinese cross-border e-commerce market environment faced by the global economic downturn, China cross-border B2C e-commerce retail market with stable cash flow and a bigger profit space got the favor of various enterprises. Using the method of comparative analysis, it is concluded that although cross-border electricity retail market development accelerated and total consumption accounted for the total retail sales of social rise up, but as a result of cross-border electricity retail market is still faced with a long-distance logistics transportation problem, faulty Cross-border electronic payment system and tax rebates and other problems, so as a proportion of the total consumption in the import and export trade is still small. In this paper, I want to give some advices that we should improve the efficiency of customs clearance and the system of electronic payment, build new cross-border methods such as the third party logistics enterprise mode to promote the development of China's cross-border electricity retail market
Key words: Cross-border e-commerce; Retail; B2C
目 录
摘 要 ‐I‐
Abstract ‐II‐
引 言 ‐1‐
一、跨境电子商务介绍 ‐1‐
(一)含义 ‐1‐
(二)跨境电子商务与传统贸易模式对比 ‐2‐
(三)跨境电子商务模式分类 ‐3‐
(四)中国跨境电子商务零售市场的宏观发展环境 ‐4‐
二、中国跨境电子商务零售市场现状 ‐6‐
(一) 中国跨境电子商务零售市场交易规模扩大 ‐6‐
(二)中国跨境电商市场零售总额占比逐年扩大 ‐7‐
(三)中国跨境电商零售市场用户规模特点 ‐8‐
三、中国跨境电商零售市场B2C模式面临的机遇与挑战 ‐10‐
(一)机遇 ‐11‐
(二)挑战 ‐11‐
四、促进中国跨境电子商务零售市场发展的建议 ‐13‐
(一)提高通关效率 ‐13‐
(二)完善电子支付系统 ‐13‐
(三)建立新型跨境第三方物流企业模式 ‐13‐
五、结束语 ‐14‐
参考文献 ‐15‐
致 谢 ‐16‐