摘 要:纺织业是常州的主导行业之一,近年来由于世界经济复苏、国际贸易保护主义抬头等因素影响,常州纺织品出口面临着严峻挑战。本文首先以纺织品出口贸易为研究对象,在纺织出口行业国际背景的基础上描述了常州纺织品出口现状,其次根据纺织品出口总额和贸易份额等数据深入分析了常州纺织品出口在创新能力、产业集群、出口结构、反倾销方面存在的问题,最后针对上述问题逐一提出了相应的对策,从而促进常州纺织品出口贸易的发展。64625
Abstract: As one of the leading industries in Changzhou, the textile export has faced severe challenges due to the recovery of the world economy, the rise of international trade protectionism and other factors in the recent years. Firstly, this paper which took the textile export trade as the research object described the situation of Changzhou textile export on the basis of textile export industry’s international background. Secondly, it deeply analyzed the problems of Changzhou textile export in innovation ability, industry clusters, export structure and anti-dumping according to total exports of textiles, trade share and other data. Finally, it put forward the corresponding countermeasure one by one for the problems above, so as to promote the development of Changzhou textile export trade.
Keywords: Changzhou, textile export, trade protectionism, brand strategy, industrial clusters
1 引言 3
2 文献综述 3
3 常州纺织品出口现状 4
3.1 纺织品出口国际背景及行业概况 4
3.2 常州纺织品出口贸易现状 5
3.3 出口商品结构概况 7
4 常州纺织品出口存在的主要问题 7
4.1 创新能力较弱,缺乏自主品牌 7
4.2 产业集群不完善,企业关联性较差 8
4.3 出口结构不合理 9
4.4 受国际贸易保护主义的影响 9
5 促进常州纺织品出口贸易发展的对策 10
5.1 提高自主创新能力,加强自主品牌战略 10
5.2 优化产业集群,增强企业间关联度 10
5.3 调整出口结构,促进产业升级 11
5.4 积极应对反倾销,加快相关法律法规建设 11
结论 12
参考文献 13
致谢 14
1 引言