
系统的设计是以Android 平台为开发环境,以 Java编程语言系统的为开发语言,并借助Eclipse和jdk等开发工具完成软件的设计和实现。首先,熟悉二维码的结构以及它的组成部件和各个部件的作用,并搭建好系统开发平台,然后进行了进行系统需求分析,在了解需求分析的基础上,对系统进行了总体设计和详细设计,最后完成了本系统在Android 平台的实现以及运行测试。


毕业论文关键词:二维码 ;Android ;二维码识别;二维码生成

Abstract With the rapid development of technology in today's society, since the automatic generation and two-dimensional code scanning recognition is a relatively new information storage and conveying technology, based on the two-dimensional code technology Android mobile devices have become the focus of people's lives and well into our daily lives。 The reason why two-dimensional code recognition technology makes people's lives more convenient and intelligent is it can be used to promote the business development, such as the use of two-dimensional code scan code payments, electronic credentials。 In view of this, the mobile terminal of the two-dimensional code combination will certainly bring a different life experience and business development, therefore, the mobile terminal learning and implement the QR code technology on our lives are very valuable。

Design of the system under Android platform to build environmental conditions to the development of language, with Eclipse, jdk other development platform for software design of the Java programming language。Before doing software design, we need to learn the structure of QR code, familiar with its components,while the system also need to build a good development platform。 System mainly consists two modules, two-dimensional code generation system design and Recognition System。 Overall system first needs analysis, in the understanding of the needs analysis, based on the analysis of the overall design and detailed design of the system, and finally the implementation of the system and run the tests。

System is pided into two modules, system modules generate two-dimensional code and two-dimensional code scanning system modules。 Generating system modules in the text box, enter the contact information, text messages, or URL information, click the Generate button will accordingly generate two-dimensional code image information, then if you want to save the two-dimensional code image in the local phone , you can click the save button will save the two-dimensional code image down to the local phone; in the scanning module, open the system main interface, first click on the scan button, then you need to call a mobile phone camera to take pictures preview, you can click the open button, will open the previously saved to the local two-dimensional code image, the image taken after completion, will enter the image processing and analysis, and finally restore the two-dimensional code by decoding the hidden message, if the display information is the URL, you can click to jump to webview button, then call the phone browser will jump site。 The test results show that the system implements the generation and two-dimensional code scanning capabilities。generation and scanning functions; and finally software a systematic test of your system test run。

















