Abstract This questionnaire survey system is an Android application based on mobile platform。 Carrying out questionnaire survey through mobile phones can not only save the time but also improve the quality of questionnaire survey。
The questionnaire system adopts C/S structure。 The client is an Android mobile application for users to log in with their own account and fill in the questionnaire。 On the server side, the back-end uses SpringMVC and MyBatis framework, Tomcat as the server, MySQL as the database management system。 The fore-end uses AngularJS and FusionCharts framework。 Administrator can login back-end to manage questionnaires, users and modules。 The questionnaire management has the functions of adding, updating, deleting data, starting and stopping evaluation, and viewing results。 User management has the functions of inserting administrator data, freezing, unfreezing and deleting users。 Module management has the functions of adding and deleting modules。
The system carries out questionnaire survey through mobile phones。 Compared with the traditional questionnaire survey, it avoids filing papers and makes the operation more convenient and faster。 On the server side, administrators can view the graphical results of the survey and study the results more easily。
Keywords: Questionnaire Survey System; SpringMVC; MyBatis; AngularJS; FusionCharts
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1。1 系统开发的背景 1
1。3 课题研究的内容和意义 1
第二章 系统需求及可行性分析 3
2。1 系统的设计目标 3
2。2 系统的需求分析 3
2。3 系统可行性分析 4
2。3。1 技术可行性分析 4
2。3。2 可行性分析结果 6
2。4 系统数据流图 6
2。4。1 数据流图简介 6
2。4。2 数据流图 7
2。5 章节小结 8
第三章 系统主要架构及开发模式 9
3。1 基于C/S的体系结构 9
3。2 C/S的体系结构的特点 9
3。3 本系统的C/S实现 9
3。4 章节小结