摘 要:英语四优尔级在线报考系统是一个中小型数据库管理系统,本系统采用SQL Server 2005为后台数据库,在Microsoft Visual Studio 2005平台下,以C#作为后台代码编写语言,使用ASP.NET技术设计与实现。该系统能够实现学生在线报名以及在线查询考试成绩等主要功能,它操作简单、方便快捷、安全性高,免去了学生必须到报名现场报名的麻烦,基本上能满足高校学生在线报考的需求。4703
关键词:在线报考系统;SQL Server 2005;ASP.NET
The Design and Implementation of CET Online Register
Management Platform
Abstract:The CET online register management system is a small and medium database management system. The system uses SQL Server 2005 as database server and C# as programming language, and it is completed by using ASP.NET in Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 platform. The system realizes some main functions such as students online register and query of scores. It has many merits such as simplicity of operation, convenience, high efficiency and high security, and then online operations can avoid student’s trouble that they have to sign up on-the-spot, therefore, it can basically meet college students’ demands of online register.
Keywords: Online register system; SQL Server 2005; ASP.NET
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