摘 要:在社会的进步和互联网发展的今天,旅游和人们的联系也越来越紧密,所以开发一个有利于人们出行的网站是很有必要的。本网站主要以Microsoft Visual Studio 2008为开发平台,利用C#语言、ASP.NET技术和SQL Server 2005数据库技术进行设计与开发,实现了首页、用户登录注册、旅游线路、旅行社信息、景点信息、在线交流和后台管理等功能。通过本网站的介绍,可以使人们更好的了解周口这座城市,从而使周口的旅游业得到更好的发展。24897 毕业论文关键词:周口旅游网站;ASP.NET技术;SQL Server 2005技术
The Design and Implementation of Zhoukou Travel Information Website
Abstract: Today, with the progress of the society and the development of the Internet, people fall into love with traveling, it is necessary to set up a traveling website for these tourists. This website is mainly by the Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 as the development platform, it uses C# language, ASP.NET technology and SQL Server 2005 database to design and develop, the home page, user login, tourist routes, travel information, the scenic spot information, online communication and background management functions. Through we introduced the website; people can know better the city of Zhoukou, which can promote the development of tourism in Zhoukou.
Key Words: Zhoukou Travel Website; ASP.NET; SQL Server 2005
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