摘 要:近些年来随着互联网的发展,电子商城购物系统也已成为21世纪互联网发展的主流。本文基于ASP.NET的Web开发平台,采用B2C电子商务模式,底端数据库层采用Microsoft公司的关系数据库管理系统SQL Server 2005,并采用Dreamweaver 8.0作为前台页面开发工具。设计并实现了网上购物系统主要的功能模块,包括前台功能模块有会员注册、商品展示和信息查询、购物车管理和评价反馈管理等;后台功能模块有主界面登录管理程序设计、商品类别管理模块、订单管理模块等。24901 毕业论文关键字:ASP.NET;B2C;电子商城购物系统;
System Design and Implementation of Online Shopping Website
Abstract:In recent years with the development of Internet, electronic shopping mall system has also become the mainstream of the development of the Internet in the 21st century. Based on the ASP.NET Web development platform, adopt the B2C e-commerce mode, the bottom of the database layer using Microsoft relational database management system SQL Server 2000, and uses the Dreamweaver 8.0 as the front desk page development tools. Online shopping system was designed and implemented the main function modules, including the front desk function module has registered members, commodity exhibition and information query, shopping cart and evaluation feedback, etc.; Backstage function module has the login interface program design, product category module, order module, etc.
Key Words: ASP.NET; B2C ;Electronic Shopping System
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