摘 要:随着超市数量的逐步增加以及规模的不断扩大,传统的仓库管理方式已不能满足现今的需要。本文以Visual Studio 2010为开发工具,使用ASP.NET编程技术以及SQL Server 2005数据库设计开发了一个在线超市仓库管理系统。该系统实现了系统登录、用户管理、商品录入、查询管理、自动产生定货请求以及报表打印等功能,从而可以使仓库管理实现规范化、智能化、现代化,提高企业仓库管理的效率。5359
关键词:仓库管理系统;SQL Server 2005;ASP.NET
The Design and Implementation of Online Supermarket Warehouse Management System
Abstract: With the gradual increase of the supermarkets’ number and the continuous expansion of the supermarkets’ scale, the traditional warehouse management mode has been unable to meet current needs. In this paper, an online supermarket warehouse management system was designed and developed by using Visual Studio 2010 as the development tool and adopting ASP.NET programming technology and SQL Server 2005 database. The system realized the functions such as system login, user management, goods entry, query management, automatically generating orders, report printing and other functions, so that it can make warehouse management achieve standardization, intelligence, modernization and improve the efficiency of enterprise warehouse management.
Key words: Warehouse Management System; SQL Server 2005; ASP.NET
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