基于JSP的软件工程教学网站的设计与实现摘 要:随着计算机技术的高速发展,仅仅是老师在课堂上传授的软件工程的知识已经不能满足学生们的需要,而在纸质作业本上完成实验作业,老师再收作业批改再发回实在很不方便,学生有软件工程学习问题也不方便问老师。为此,我设计了这个软件工程教学网站,帮助老师和学生更方便地进行软件工程的教学。主要有四个模块:公共模块、管理员模块、教师模块、学生模块。公共模块:学习笔记(教师、学生学习笔记),供大家学习;我的共享,供大家免费下载软件工程学习资料。管理员模块:管理员、学生、教师、班级的信息管理;学习笔记和共享文件的审查发布和删除。教师模块:查看我的信息、修改登录密码;实验作业和附件材料的发布,学生作业的下载发回删除;学生作业实验成绩的添加。在留言板发布班级通告,回答学生问题;发布教师学习笔记和共享文件。学生模块:查看我的信息、修改登录密码;实验作业的查看和附件材料的下载;实验作业的上传,下载老师发回的实作业;查看老师给我的打分;在留言板发留言问老师问题;发布学生学习笔记和共享文件。32679 毕业论文关键词:试验园地;师生留言;学习笔记;我的分享
Design and Implimetation of Software Engineering Teaching Website based on JSP
Abstract: The fast development of computer technology tell us that the knowledge of software engineering student learn from class not enough now.It is not convent that students use pen and paper to complete their homework and give them to teacher,then teacher give them back after teacher read them. It is not convent for students to ask their teacher when they have some questions about computer technology.I design the Software Engineering Teaching Web to help teachers and students teach and learn software engineering conveniencly.Their are four parts:public part,administers’ part,teachers’ part,students’ part. public part: study notes(teachers’ study notes and students’ study notes),students learn from them; my share,students can download files from them; administers’ part: administers administrate administers’ informations,teachers’ informations,students’ informations and classses’ informations; administers check,publish and delete study notes and study files. teachers’ part: read my informations,change my passwords; publish the homework and files,download,hand back and delete students’ answer.add students’ scores.publish messages to students on message board,talk to students about their questions;publish teachers’ study notes and sharing files.Students’ part:read my informations,change my password;download the attachment of experiment.upload my homework,download the homework teacher hand back;look my scores;ask teachets questions on message board; publish students’ study notes and sharing files.
Key words: Test garden; The teachers’ and students’ message; Study notes; My share
第1章 绪论 3
1.1 网站开发背景 3
1.2 网站设计目的 3
1.3网站特点特色 4
第2章 开发工具及环境的介绍 5
2.1 JSP简介 5
2.2 SQL SEVER 2005 简介 5
第3章 系统分析 7
3.1 系统可行性分析 7
3.2 系统功能结构分析 7
3.3数据库设计 7
3.3.1 概念模型设计 7
3.3.2 逻辑模型设计 11
第4章 系统的实现 15
4.1 数据库的连接 15
4.2 主要代码 15