摘要:本论文系统地阐述了网上家具店系统的功能及实现。实现了从家俱管理,家俱分类和查询,到购物车实现,用户订单处理,管理员系统。实现了电子商务的基本功能流程,能够让用户与商家在网上实现家俱交易。本系统界面简单直观,易于操作和使用,交互性强,完全基于Internet网络。此系统设计上采用三层结构、Web Service技术,使之在选用平台、采用技术上具有先进性、前瞻性、扩充性,从而保证建成的系统具有良好的稳定性、可扩充性。系统设计按标准化、规范化,分层设计,构件化实现。采用软件构件化的开发方式,使系统结构分层,业务与实现分离,逻辑与数据分离;以统一的服务接口规范为核心,使用开放标准。从功能上来说,系统是比较完备的,系统以Web界面与用户交互,为用户提供信息并接受其操作,同时通过数据库管理系统来存储信息数据。系统实现了对信息数据的浏览、查询、编辑和管理等基本数据库操作,采用了模块化设计方法,根据用户的需求及程序的应用与文护的易用性,将各个部分置于不同的模块当中,方便了程序的扩展与文护,同时建立了程序功能复用的基础。34449 毕业论文关键词:数据库; 互联网; 家俱销售
Design of online furniture store system
Abstract: The present paper on graduation project's content, elaborated systematically the trend of furniture shopping network function and realization. From the implementation of the furniture, furniture classification and query, realizes to the shopping cart, user order processing, the system administrator. Basically has realized the electronic commerce function flow, can realize the user and business transactions on the Internet. This system simple and intuitive interface, easy operation and use, interactive, network based entirely on the Internet. The system is designed based on three layer structure, Web Service technology, making the choice of platform, using advanced technology, forward-looking, scalability, thus ensuring the completion of the system has good stability, scalability. System design by standardization, standardization, and hierarchical design, the component realizes. The software component of the development mode, the system hierarchical structure, operations and implementation of separation, separation of logic and data; to a unified service interface specification for the core, using open standards. From the functional point of view, the system is more complete, the system Web interface and user interaction, and provide information and accept its operation, at the same time to store information and data through database management system. System to achieve the basic database of information and data browsing, query, editing and management operations, using a modular design method, according to the needs of users and the application procedures and maintenance of the ease of use, each component will be placed in different modules, to facilitate the process of expansion and maintenance, and established the basic program function reuse.
Keywords: Database; Internet; Furniture sales
摘要 i
Abstract ii
目录 iii
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题的来源及意义 1
1.2 国内外发展状况 1
1.2.1国外发展现状 1
1.2.2国内发展现状 2
1.3 可行性研究 3
2 开发工具介绍与系统分析 5
2.1 SQL SERVER 2005 5
2.2 .NET技术 5
2.3 C#技术 6
2.4 ADO.NET技术 7
2.5 VISUAL STUDIO 2008简介 7
2.6 B/S结构技术发展简述 8
2.7 系统功能分析 9