摘要:本文以Windows操作系统自带的一款小游戏--扫雷游戏为研究对象,从需求分析、任务描述、游戏设计等方面,对该款游戏的设计过程进行了系统的分析与描述。并在Dreamweaver软件中运用JavaScript脚本语言开发编写了能在网页中运行的一款扫雷游戏。37127 毕业论文关键词:游戏;扫雷;JavaScript;
Design and Implementation of The Minesweeper Game Based on JavaScript
Abstract: The paper talks about a little game named"Saolei"based on the Windows operating system as the research object,and needs to analysis and describe the game designing procedure from several parts:demand analysis, task description, game design.Thus,the thesis also needs to use JavaScript Language to design this Web game in Dreamweaver.
Keywords:Game;Mine; JavaScript;
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