摘 要:婚纱摄影网站是以Dreamwear为开发工具,使用BootStrap为前台页面框架结构设计、JQuery和JavaScript为脚本设计语言实现网站内容特效。网站包括摄影公司的信息介绍、作品展示、婚纱报价、留言反馈、合作伙伴、联系方式、新闻中心等功能。企业可以借助于婚纱摄影网站宣传自己,全面提升公司的竞争力。该网站主题统一,结构协调,基本达到了预期的效果。38445 毕业论文关键字:婚纱摄影网站;UI设计;BootStrap技术;JQuery;JavaScript
Design and Implementation of Wedding photography Website
Abstract: The wedding photography website is Dreamwear development tools, use BootStrap, JQuery and JavaScript technology to achieve the page layout, the site includes a photography company information sheets, works display, wedding quotes, Feedback, partners, contact information, news and other features . Businesses can promote themselves by means of wedding photography website, to enhance the company's competitiveness. The site theme unity, coordination structure, basically to achieve the desired effect.
Keywords: wedding photography website; UI design; BootStrap technology; JQuery; JavaScript
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