摘 要:移动开发,也称为手机开发,是指以手机、PDA、UMPC等便携终端为基础进行开发的技术。本文对iOS端应用软件的开发模式进行了深入的分析和研究。文中项目是在此基础上,使用苹果官方的开发工具Xcode,采用苹果开发常用的MVC模式设计开发的。本设计主要实现了当前天气状况,未来天气状况功能,还提供了全国所有县级市以上的城市天气状况的查询,对人们的日常生活具有一定的指导作用。38560 毕业论文关键词:移动互联网开发;iOS;Xcode;MVC
Design and Implementation of iOS-based Mobile Terminals Forecast
Abstract:Mobile Development refers to the technologies that are developed at the basis of cell phone, PDA, UMPC and other portable terminal. A deep research is done on iOS client application software development model in this paper. The project is designed and developed to use MVC pattern Apple's most frequently used by Apple's official development tools Xcode. This design aims to provide weather forecast which plays a guiding role on daily life, including the current weather situation, the next four days weather conditions and trends, as well as dressing index and so on.
Key Words:Mobile Development;iOS;Xcode;MVC
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