摘要:为了方便艺术家、收藏家在线查询获取作品信息,本论文的主要内容便是设计并实现一个画苑网站。本网站从界面设计开始研究,并结合运用了数据库技术,设计了基于ASP.NET的动态网页设计和Access数据库的画苑网站。最终实现了用户注册、主页浏览、后台管理员、名作品欣赏和名家查询等基本模块,让广大的艺术爱好者们能够通过这个画苑网站最方便快捷的查询、获取自己需要的信息。40409 毕业论文关键词:画苑网站;动态网页;ASP.NET;Access数据库
Design and Implementation of Art Gallery Web Site
Abstract:In order to facilitate artists, collectors to get the works information online inquiries,the main content of this thesis is to design and implement an Art Gallery website. Study on interface design from this web site,combined with database technology.Designed based on ASP.NET dynamic web page design and Access databases.Realized user registration,homepage,administrator,the famous art appreciation and the famous query basic module, for the vast number of art lovers can convenient and quick query through this website, and get the information they need.
Key words:Art Gallery web site; dynamic Web page design; ASP.NET; Access database
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