关键词: 功能磁共振成像,功能连接性,层次聚类,小波变换,时频相干性
In this study, I explored the resting-state functional connectivity using fMRI signals, and gave a novel method in analyzing the functional connectivity through computing the coherence between two groups of fMRI signals. Most studies of resting-state functional connectivity using fMRI employ methods that assume temporal stationarity, such as correlation and data-based fMRI studies and animal electrophysiology suggests that functional connectivity may exhibit dynamic changes within time scales of seconds to minutes. In the present study, Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm was used to group all the fMRI signals into several clusters. And then the typical signals are selected and then performed a time-frequency coherence analysis based on the wavelet transform, in order to investigate the dynamic behavior of resting-state connectivity across the course of a single scan. It has been proved that the clustering results are good and the selected signals are representative, and in this way we provide an effective and convenient method in analyzing the resting-state functional connectivity using fMRI signals.
Keywords: fMRI, functional connectivity, hierarchical clustering, wavelet transform, time-frequency coherence
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 本论文的研究思路及所作主要工作 3