摘 要:本课题研究了一种基于.NET技术的手机销售网站,通过介绍网站的三层结构模式,充分体现了.NET技术的优势,并指出了使用.NET技术构建企业的电子商务网平台的具体实现方法。本课题研究的在线手机销售系统实现了用户在线浏览、加入购物车、提交订单,以及管理员添加手机分类、管理用户、管理订单、统计销售量等功能,与传统销售行为相比,在线手机销售系统为用户和商家都提供了最高的效率和最便捷的手段。关键词:SQL Server;B/S;手机销售;购物车9236
Design and implementation of online mobile phone sales system
Abstract: This topic research a kind of based on.net technology of mobile phone sales website, through the introduction of the three layer structure model of website, fully embodies the. NET technology advantages, and points out the using. NET technology to build enterprise e-commerce platform specific implementation method. This topic research of mobile phone users online sales system has realized the online browsing, add to cart, submit orders, mobile phone users and administrators to add classification, management, sales order management, statistics, and other functions, compared with traditional sales behavior, online mobile phone sales system provides users and businesses are of the highest efficiency and the most convenient means.
Key Words: SQL Server; B / S; Mobile phone sales; Shopping Cart
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