摘要随 着 信 息 技 术 和 互 联 网 技 术 的 发 展 ,信 息 量 大 大 增 加 , 从 海 量 的 信 息 中 获 取 有 用 的 信 息 是 比 较 困 难 的 , 人 们 从 信 息 的 背 后 发 现 隐 藏 的 规 则 更 是 难 以 想 象 。 数 据 挖 掘 是 帮 助 我 们 从 海 量 数 据 中 获 取 有 用 信 息 的 新 技 术 , 在 数 据库的 应 用 中 起 着 重 要 的 作 用 。而关联规则在数据挖掘的领域中占据着十分重要的地位,在当今世界是一个热点话题。73018

人类研究关联规则的原因是因为它是研究数据库的重要一类方法。有时我们 并不清 楚 数 据 库 中 数 据 的 关 联 函 数 , 即 使 知 道 也 不 是 很 确 定 , 所 以 关 联 分 析 生 成 的 规则具 有 一 定 的 可 信 度。


Along with the information technology and the interconnection network technology development, the information was greatly increased, from the sea of information received take and use information is than the more difficult, people from the message behind this hidden rules is even more difficult to imagine。 Data mining is a new technology to help us to obtain useful information from massive data, plays an important role in database application。 Which occupies a very important position of association rules in data mining field, is a hot topic in the world today。

The reason for the study of the association rules is that it is an important method to study the database。 Sometimes we don't know the correlation function of the data in the database, even if we know it is not very clear, so the rule of the generation of association analysis has certain credibility。

But in association rules, different algorithms in solving different problems will appear the corresponding defects, different implementation methods are different mining efficiency, and through the comparison of different algorithms to understand the principle, we can accurately know between different algorithms and the advantages and disadvantages of contact and can solve practical problems in fast and accurately find effective algorithm to solve the problem。 What are the drawbacks even if the algorithm can also, we put forward the improvement plan or space。 And the paper mainly describes the association rules Apriori algorithm and TDA

algorithm related issues, using comparison and exemplification methods, their respective advantages and disadvantages are introduced, and the improvement of Apriori algorithm of some content and defects, and the corresponding conclusion。   


Keyword: data mining; Association rules; Mining efficiency; Improvement scheme


摘要 2

第1章 绪论 5

1。1 引言 5

1。2课题的研究背景及意义 5

1。3国内外研究现状 5

第2章 关联规则 6

2。1 关联规则的定义

















