酒店客房管理系统不仅能够方便酒店员工的操作,也能使得酒店的管理更加规范化,科学化。能更加清楚的显示酒店各个房间的信息和客人的信息,方便酒店进行经营。本文设计的酒店客房管理系统主要分为两大部分,即管理员操作部分和用户操作部分。管理员可以进行前台以及后台对系统的操作,方便酒店的管理和经营,用户就要在登录网站后,预订房间和查询功能。在此次设计的系统中,数据库选取使用了经典的SQL server的 2008版作为数据库工具,还有就是这个系统的编辑用了Visual Studio的 2008版本,至于框则拿了ASP。NET作为设计架子,不仅界面简约,操作特别不难,而且添加和修改模块也比较方便,易于后期的修改和维护。在本文中也介绍了各个工具的大概特性。
毕业论文关键词:酒店客房管理系统 SQL server Visual Studio ASP。NET
Design and Implementation of Management System of Hotel
Abstract In recent years, with the continuously developing of society and improvement of the economic,all walks of life are beginning to become more standardized and internationalized。As well,the Electronic Information Technology are helping more and more things get better。 For the reason that the room management system which uses Electronic Information Technology has become the mainstream of hotel industry。 Not only the efficiency of the hotel has been clearly improved, but also makes the information of customer be safer。
Hotel management system can make the staff of hotel operate system conveniently,moreover,can make the management of hotel become standardized as well scientific。 You can be more clearly to check the various rooms of the hotel information and guest information,which makes you running hotel more easily。 There are two parts in this system,the first part is guanliyuan system,and secondly part is yonghu system。Guanliyuan can foreground and background operate this system,the user can register account and book the room after log in the hotel website。 The database system is selected as the SQL server whose version is 2008,which is classic, and Visual Studio 2008 is used develop tool, ASP。NET is use a design framework。Not only make the interface and operation pithy,but also alter the system more easily。There is introduction of all tools that used in this system in this paper。
Key words: Management System of Hotel SQL server Visual Studio ASP。NET
图序号 图名称 页码
图3-1 B/S三层结构图 5
图3-2 系统主要功能图 6
图3-3 酒店管理员功能图 7
图3-4 用户的功能图 7
图3-5 系统业务图 8
图3-6 程序流程图 9
图4-1 B/S结构图 10