摘要随着移动互联网技术的不断发展和移动设备的不断普及,智能手机的使用已经充 斥了人们生活的各方各面。一种新型的远程学习方式——移动端高校作业管理系统应 运而生。移动端作业管理系统不仅可以更好地加强学生和老师的交流沟通,同时也能 减轻老师批阅传统纸质作业的工作量。学生在进行答题的过程中如果有什么不会的问 题可直接在答题的文本框下进行留言,老师批改作业的时候,可针对具体同学的问题 进行具体解答。现阶段个别学生的自制能力差,经常会有抄袭作业的现象,因此特意 添加了一个计算重复率的功能用于检测抄袭,旨在提高学生独立解决问题的能力。80374
根据老师和学生的实际需求,分析设计了此款基于移动端的高校作业管理系统。 系统由后台管理、学生界面和老师界面三个子模块组成,包括以下内容:用户登录、 学生界面、老师界面、布置作业、学生答题、教师批改和统计结果等。运用 android、 Java、JSP 为主要开发语言,采用 MySQL 数据库设计,Android Studio、MyEclipse、 Tomcat 为主要开发工具,实现并完成了系统模块的相应功能。
毕业论文关键字:移动端;作业管理;MySQL; Android Studio
Abstract With the growing popularity of the continuous development of mobile Internet technology and mobile devices, smart phones have occupied a large part in people's daily lives。 A new distance learning - mobile terminals efficient job management system came into being。 End mobile job management system can better facilitate the exchange of students and teachers, but also changed the traditional paper version of the teacher marking job troubles。 During the students answer, if there is anything not answer the question directly in the text box in the message。 Carrying out these duties when the teacher, the students according to the specific problems in order to carry out specific answers。 In addition, because students often have poor self-control plagiarism phenomenon, the system is intentionally added to a repetition rate calculation function for detecting plagiarism, improve students' ability to solve problems independently。
According to the actual needs of teachers and students, the analysis and design of this section based on the mobile end job management system Colleges and Universities。 The system is managed by the system, the student interface and teacher interface of three sub- modules, including the following: user login, the student interface (including viewing the job, enter the answer), the teacher interface, classroom assignments, students answer questions (written answers and ask questions) teachers marking (correcting homework, to answer questions and give a score), the system automatically re-check (to determine whether plagiarism), statistics (numbers and failing to submit the number) and the like。 System uses Android, Java, JSP as the main development language, using MySQL database design, using Android Studio, MyEclipse, Tomcat as the main development tools to achieve and complete system response functions and modules。
Keywords: Mobile Terminal; Operations Management; MySQL ;Android Studiio
第一章 绪论 1
1。1 项目背景及意义 1
1。2 需求概述 1
1。3 项目目标 2
第二章 系统开发技术及应用 3
2。1 系统相关技术 3
2。1。1Android 技术 3
2。1。2Java 语言 4
2。1。3 JSP 技术