关键词 冷冲压 模具设计 弹簧铰链座 毕业论文外文摘要
Title Cold stamping process and die design of the spring hinge seat
The key content of this graduation design topic is cold stamping process design and die design, to both have a certain understanding, and then used for production of spring hinge seat parts. Cold stamping is for the purpose of obtaining a specific shape and size of the parts, mold is installed in the pressure machine, pressure on the sheet at room temperature so that its deformation and separation, the separation method of waste and the workpiece in the blank by plastic processing method is called cold stamping process. The design of the book, start with a summary of the die and cold stamping, then the hinge seat for process analysis, based on the analysis of each step, choose different spring design, final details, including 2D assembly drawings, parts diagram. At the end of this design process is summarized.
Keywords Cold stamping Die design Spring hinge seat
1 引言 1
1.1 概述 1
1.2 国内外冲模的发展现状 1
1.3 设计的主要工作 2
2 工艺设计 2
2.1 零件的工艺性分析 2
2.2 工艺路线设计 4
3 落料冲孔模设计 6
3.1 落料冲孔模总体方案 6
3.2 落料冲孔模工艺计算 8
3.3 模具结构设计 12
3.3.4 落料凸模的设计 14
4 弯曲模设计 18
4.1 弯曲模总体方案 18
4.2 工艺计算 19
4.3 模具结构设计 23
5 模具零件的加工工艺设计 29
5.1叙述设计思想 29
5.2给出所有模具零件的加工工艺卡片 29
结 论 30
致 谢 31
参考文献 32
1 引言
在现代制造业中,随着机械自动化进程的加快,绝大部分工业的工程设备都采用由模具生产工业提供生产的产品。随着我国工业的飞速发展,更是让模具的设计发展有了质的飞跃以及模具制造注入新的血液。[1]在经济全球化的背景下 ,资本、技术及劳动力市场正在重新整合,我国将发展成装备制造业大国。在现代制造业中,航空,通信和家电等行业的零部件的生产都需要利用冲压技术。近年来,我国的模具行业从小到大,从精到细,对模具设计和制造研究水平有了较大幅度的提高,大型、精密、复杂、高效和长寿模具的需求量大量增加,模具质量和模具寿命明显提高,模具CAD/CAM技术得到广泛的应用。[2]
1.1 概述