关键词 翅片管换热器 熔盐 高温 动态特性
Title Molten salt finned-tube heat exchanger design and
analysis of dynamic characteristics
Molten salt has been widely applied to Concentrating Solar Thermal Power(CSP) and chemical heat-exchange area as high-temperature phase-change heat storage material because of its high operating temperature, good heat transfer performance. This article designs a finned-tube heat exchanger with molten salt as a heat medium and the air as a cooling medium and the heat load is 5KW. The detailed thermal design and calculation process along with mechanical design process are also introduced. The article displays the 2D and 3D graphics of the exchanger with the tool of AutoCAD, SolidWorks. Due to high temperature and causticity of molten salt, the heat resistance and corrosion resistance of material should be considered during the mechanical design of the heat exchanger. Considering the stable operation of the equipment, dynamic analysis of the heat exchanger is necessary. Analysis of the dynamic response of the air outlet temperature when the molten salt inlet temperature is with 30 ℃ step change has been conducted at the end of the paper.
Keywords Finned-tube heat exchanger, molten salt, high-temperature, dynamic characteristics
目 次
1 引言1
1.1 熔盐换热背景1
1.2 本文的主要工作2
2 熔盐翅片管换热器热设计3
2.1 热设计参数3
2.2 热设计过程4
3 熔盐翅片管换热器机械设计8
4 熔盐翅片管换热器动态特性10
4.1 动态特性参数 10
4.2 动态特性模型10
4.3 动态特性仿真12
4.4 仿真结果13
结论 14
致谢 15
1 引言
1.1 熔盐换热背景
早在十九世纪,英国化学家Davy首先从熔融氯化钠中电解得到金属钠[1],之后熔盐作为电解金属合金的介质、燃料电池的电解质、有机化学反应的溶剂在电化学领域的应用日益广泛。而熔盐作为换热蓄热材料的应用是和聚光太阳能热发电紧密联系在一起的,1983年建成于美国的MSEE/Cat B试验电站最早应用熔盐作为蓄热传热介质,整个系统的蓄热传热都利用熔盐同一种介质,这使得系统结构极大地简化。典型的熔盐传热蓄热系统还有著名的Solar Two试验电站,Solar Two电站的额定功率为10MW,蓄热量为114MW,在太阳落山以后整个系统仍可以满负荷运行三个小时[2]。1999年四月Solar Two试验电站在完成试验任务后关闭,之后的Solar Tres试验电站也使用熔盐系统,并且对换热器尺寸、换热效率以及材料的耐腐蚀性提出更高的要求。