摘要本论文以电子驻车制动数据采集系统为研究对象,介绍了国内外汽车电子的发展现状,详细阐述了电子驻车系统的基本原理,对电子驻车制动系统和传统驻车制动系统进行了比较,给出了各自的优缺点。在掌握了电子驻车制动系统工作过程的基础上,确定了数据采集系统需要采集的数据的数量和种类,然后利用Visual Basic设计了电子驻车制动系统的数据采集软件,实现了PC机与电子驻车制动系统的实时通讯,该程序遵循CAN总线平台数据传输协议,能够实时接收CAN总线平台传来的数据信息,同时也可以向电子驻车系统发送控制信息;程序还能将接收到的数据进行记录和回放,以图形曲线的方式进行显示。21856 毕业论文关键词: 电子驻车制动 数据采集 CAN总线 汽车电子 VB
Title Design of a data acquisition system for EPB
In this paper, an electronic parking data acquisition system was the object of our study, access to information on a large number of domestic and foreign automotive electronic technology, introduced the development of domestic and foreign automotive electronics, elaborated on the basic principles of electronic parking system, electronic parking parking systems and traditional systems are compared, given their advantages and disadvantages. Mastered the basic electronic parking system on the working process to determine the number and type of data to be collected the data acquisition system, using Visual Basic design of the electronic parking brake system of data collection platform software, the PC and electronics Real-time communication parking brake system, the program in accordance with the CAN-bus platform for data transmission protocol, can receive real-time data from the CAN bus platform information, but can also send control information to the electronic parking system; program can receive the data recording and playback, in the manner of graph display.
Finally, in the experimental stage of data collection software for the testing and debugging, it can meet the requirements of the relevant technology.
Keyword Electronic parking brake Data Collection CAN-bus
Automotive electronics VB
1 绪论 1
1.1 课题选择的背景 1
1.2 研究现状 3
1.3 目的和意义 4
1.4 主要内容 4
2 电子驻车制动系统结构原理 5
2.1 电子驻车关键技术 5
2.1.1 CAN总线技术 5
2.1.2 传感器技术 6
2.1.3 电源技术 6
2.1.4 容错纠错技术 6
2.2 传统驻车制动系统原理 7
2.3 电子驻车制动系统结构组成 8
2.4 两种设计方案 8
3 驻车数据采集 10
3.1 驻车制动力的确定 11
3.2 数据采集及控制策略 11
3.2.1 驻车制动数据采集 11
3.2.2 解除驻车制动控制数据采集 12
3.2.3 坡道起步数据采集 12
4 数据检测软件的设计 13
4.1 VISUAL BASIC软件简介 13
4.2 数据通信协议 14
4.2.1 协议约定 14
4.2.2 数据帧结构 14
4.3 软件模块设计 15
4.3.1 串口通讯模块 16
4.3.2 数据显示模块 16
4.3.3 数据存储模块 17
4.3.4 数据回放模块 18
4.4 软件测试 19