关键词 驾驶机器人 动圈式永磁直线电机 Ansoft仿真设计 驱动设计
Title Driving Device Structure Design Of The Robotic Driver
This article focuses on the structural design of the driven devices for robotic drivers. And the driving mode which is used in this research is linear motor driving. Besides, the main work of this article is to design a certain kind of linear motor that could fit to the various actuators of robotic drivers. To start with, this article introduces the research status in this field as well as the mathematical model of the linear DC motor.
The type of the linear DC motor designed in this research is permanent magnet moving-coil linear DC motor. By using Ansoft (software for the analysis of electromagnetic finite element) to proceed the 2D electromagnetic simulation, the author tend to build a scientific model on the motor sizes. Based on the result of this simulation, the proper sizes of the moving coil linear motor are designed. Having considered these sizes, the author further designs the mechanical part of the moving coil linear motor, upon which the whole procedures of this research are finished.
Keywords Robotic Driver, Permanent Magnet Moving-coil Linear DC Motor,
Ansoft Stimulation Design, Driven Design
目 次
1绪论 2
1.1 国内外现状综述 2
1.1.1 国外驾驶机器人现状简介 2
1.1.2 国内驾驶机器人现状简介 3
1.2 驾驶机器人驱动技术研究现状 6
1.3 本课题的主要研究内容 6=
1.4 本章小结 7
2驾驶机器人驱动机构总体方案设计 7
2.1驾驶机器人的驱动装置型式选择 7
2.2 动圈式直线电机的设计思路 8
2.2.1永磁动圈式直线电机原理 8
2.2.2直线电机直流电机数学模型 8
2.3 驾驶机器人驱动直线电机方案确定 9
2.3.1 直线电机的基本机构‥‥ 7
2.3.2 直线电机的原理 10
2.3.3 驱动电机设计任务的确定‥‥ 8
2.4 直线电机的稳态磁场仿真分析 12
2.4.1 直线电机试制模型 12
2.4.2 电机模型选择 12
2.4.3 永磁体的选择 14
2.4.4铁心材料选择 17
2.4.5 直线电机磁场仿真设计 17
2.5 本章小结 18
3驾驶机器人驱动机构主要参数设计计算 19
3.1引言 19
3.2 永磁直线电机功率和额定电压确定 20
3.3 永磁体工作点确定 20
3.4 直流电机气隙选择 21
3.5永磁直线电机主要结构参数 21