关键词 纸箱成型机 工作台 滚珠丝杠螺母副 瓦楞纸板 毕业论文设计说明书外文摘要
Title The Design of A Two-dimensional NC Carton Forming Machine
In recent years,due to the modern logistics industry needs for a lot of packaging cartons, there is a lot of demand for carton forming machine in the machinery manufacturing industry . This paper is in order to solve this problem, designing a gantry CNC carton forming machine, concentrating on the operation for corrugated board.
The NC Carton Forming Machine includes the main mechanical structure:the ball screw nut pair,servo motor,The workbench guide and so on. Calculate rated dynamic load to primarily choose the ball screw pair, through the calculation of stability of stiffness, and critical speed to check ball screw pair. Calculate the moment of inertia and torque,to primarily choose servo motor, and then through calculation of the output torque and frequency calibration servo motor. In order to be able to realize the carton indentation function, choose to design a threaded rods, one end of the rod balling to indentation on board.
Keywords carton forming machine workbench the ball screw nut pair corrugated board
目 次
1 绪论1
1.1 概述1
1.2 研究背景2
1.3 国内外纸箱成型机发展概况2
1.4 瓦楞纸箱模切压痕技术3
1.5 本章小结3
2 数控纸箱成型机整体方案5
2.1 数控纸箱成型机的设计要求5
2.2 数控纸箱成型机的总体方案设计5
2.3 本章小结11
3 滚珠丝杠传动副设计与计算12
3.1 工作台导轨的选型12
3.2 滚珠丝杠传动副的选型及校验13
3.3 本章小结18
4 伺服电机与联轴器选型19
4.1 伺服电机的传动计算19
4.2 联轴器的选用24
4.3 本章小结25
1. 绪论
1.1 概述