
毕业论文关键词:  钻杆拧帽机;  设计;  液压; 系统原理图

Automated material sorting robot body design and modeling

Design General Information: Tube rod class tool in many fields have a lot of use. For example, in the use of oil is very extensive, assembly, maintenance and disassembly are inseparable from the shackle.During the use of the tool, assembly, disassembly and maintenance, the shackle is an essential job. These tubes are relying on bars Tools to seal and thread connection. Such as drill pipe is steel pipe with a tail Lei Wen for connecting rigs drilling surface equipment located at the bottom of the prepared hole drilling and grinding equipment or devices. The purpose is to drill the drilling mud delivered to the drill bit, and drill with the increase, decrease or rotating bottom outlet means. Drill pipe must be able to withstand great external pressure, twisting, bending and vibration. In the mining and oil and gas refining process, the drill pipe can be used multiple times. Drill pipe and light pipe is mainly used original steel pipe after many processing steps made after, belonging to the tube to a bar type tool, the connection between it and the drill collar is threaded by a stepped surface to seal tight squeeze while applying a certain torque to the thread, so that the threaded connection with a certain pre-tension loads during use can achieve better results. Therefore, the size of these tools are tight control and connection validity torque is a very important thing. In order to achieve tight connection torque over the validity and regulations, to facilitate the installation and removal of various drill tools, which must have a profession on the shackle of the equipment, which can effectively facilitate the realization of the tools, shackles work, but also to ensure rational and efficient operating torque. Therefore, the study of a fully functional, large torque, wide working range, high production efficiency, the tools, the process of damage shackle small drill twist cap machine is necessary. In this thesis, it combined with the practical requirements of modern industrial design of a drill pipe twist cap machine. Required to meet production performance indicators proposed in the actual use of the function and to ensure the reasonableness of its structure. Including the need for the mechanical part of the design of the overall design of the exterior structure, as well as to meet the various requirements as well as the operation of part of the hydraulic circuit. The design is first demonstrated using a variety of programs, continue to verify its legitimacy, considered from the structure, cost and efficiency in all aspects. Determining the dimensions of each member fitting structure, and between the various circuits. CAD drawing with various parts drawing and completed the three-dimensional virtual assembly, painting with cad system schematics, last revised its data. Completion of the final CAD drawings.

上一篇:NX/Mold Wizard的无线键盘上盖热流道注塑模具设计+CAD图纸+答辩PPT
















