摘要人类对矿产资源的不断需求,促使着人类去开发尚未开采出来的石油资源,然而现 在陆地上的资源已经开采的差不多了,因此很多国家现在将目标转向海洋,这块无比巨 大的地方,蕴藏着巨大的矿产资源等待着人类去开发。在我国南海附近的石油资源相当 丰富,但是南海的地理环境比较突出,地形比较奇特开采出石油非常困难。近些年来, 随着“海洋石油 981”的运营成功,我们会将更多地对南海这块拥有富有石油的这块土 地更加珍惜,与此同时将会投入更多的经济与精力来开发这片土地。79091

这次毕设我的主要内容是利用挪威的 SESAM 软件建立一个半潜式平台的模型,然 后对所建模型施加工况分析它在不同环境下的水动力情况。建模这一块我用的 Genie, 先建立了两个下浮体以及四个立柱的模型,然后在进行水动力性能分析这个过程在 HydroD 这个模块中进行,最后将数据导入 DeepC 中进行数据分析,从而得出所建模型 的水动力情况。

就这样的半潜式平台,我们先研究它在自存工况(吃水深度 13。5m)和工作工况(吃 水深度 20m)下的工作情况,假设工作水深分别为 100m 跟 150m 这两种情况,看看这 个平台的运动变化。

毕设设计的原理有三维势流理论,频域跟时域计算等等,在分析缆绳系泊情款时既 要用到时域分析同时也要用到频域分析,而用频域分析来分析平台的附加质量系数跟附 加阻尼系数,通过分析可以得到 RAO 算子以及以及波浪力跟二级波浪力我们用时域分 析的方法来表示半潜式平台在各种风浪流作用下的运动情况以及系泊缆的受力情况。

设计时我将十根系泊缆分别系在半潜式平台两边,一边五根地对称分布,计算可以 发现横荡幅值不明显,而纵荡相对于横荡就比较大了,艏摇同样不明显,整个海洋平台, 我们可以认为在水中运动的时候加速度非常小,因此适合工作人员在上面安全工作。

毕业论文关键词:半潜式海洋平台;系泊系统;水动力响应分析; SESAM 软件

Abstract Along with the development of society, people on the need more and more energy , but now the petroleum resource in land almost mined out。 Therefore, more and more scientists will view to the sea this immense oil resources。 In the South China Sea the oil resources are quite rich, but the South China Sea, the geographical environment is very prominent, the terrain is more peculiar。 It is very difficult to expore the oil。 In recent years, with the successful operation of ocean petroleum 981, we will have more rich oil land on the South China Sea this。 At the same time scientist will put more economic and energy to develop the land。

The completion of this time I use SESAM DNV on the submersible platform for the analysi the  hydraulic performance of the mooring system。 Modeling was connected by Genie。  First of all, we establish a two floating bodies and four column modesl, then the hydrodynamic performance analysis was processed in HydroD,the hydrodynamic performance of the mooring system analysis was analysised in the deepc to obtain the date。

So the semi submersible platform, we first study the its work under the self survival conditions (draft depth of 13。5m) and working conditions (draft depth 20m), assuming that the working depth were both 100 m and 150 m, see the movement of the platform。

Numerical simulation is used to calculate the frequency domain and time domain。 The method of frequency domain method is used to analyze the dynamic analysis of mooring system in frequency domain。 The additional mass coefficient and additional damping coefficient of the offshore platform are calculated in the frequency domain, which can be expressed by the frequency domain, and then the RAO and the first order wave force, the transfer function etc are obtained。 The dynamic response of drilling platform and its mooring system under a certain condition of wind waves and the tension of mooring lines of each root are expressed by time domain analysis。

















