摘要近年来,随着经济的发展,为了满足日益增长的能源需求,海洋石油、天 然气等资源开辟逐步向深海推动,海洋平台也向大型化、模块化成长,海上安 置也愈来愈庞大和繁杂。为了收缩海上的安装、吊装等施工周期,下降海上安 置工作的危险性,海上吊装功课对浮吊本领的需求也日渐进步。半潜式海洋平 台,以其优良的结构设计、抗风浪能力、深水适应性强等诸多特点,成为海上 石油钻井的最佳载体。起重机底座起到起重机和平台甲板之间的毗连牢固作 用,它经受着起重机各种工况以及风暴等环境载荷,是保障起重机正常运作的 根本,所以它安全性能的要求很高。
本课题主要研究半潜式平台重机底座的结构校核。首先从海上钻井平台 发展出发,讨论半潜式平台在深海开采油气工程中的重要作用,突出了设计研 究其结构强度可靠性的重要意义。研究了有限元分析方法在海工领域的应用, 按照《DNV 船舶与海上设施起重设备规范》的要求,并运用有限元分析方法 对平台的起重机的底座进行三种工况下的屈服强度的分析,通过分析变形情 况和计算结果,发现为该起重机设计的底座在相应载荷作用下能够满足强度 要求在起重机作业的各个工况下,总结整理起重机基座结构的设计要点。79095
Abstract In recent years, with the development of economy, in order to meet the growing demand for energy, people pay more attention to the development of deep ocean oil and gas。 The development of platform becomes large and modular。 Offshore installation also becomes more complex。 In order to shorten the period of offshore installation, offshore lifting operations on floating crane capacity has been improved。 The semi-submersible offshore platform, with its excellent structure, wind resistance, deep water adaptability and many other features, has become the best carrier of offshore oil drilling hoisting。 The base of the crane connects the fixed effect between the crane and platform deck, which bear the whole process of the work and the storm condition。 All loads are a foundation to ensure the normal operation of the crane。 The safety performance of requirements is very important。
This project mainly studies the structure checking semi-submersible heavy machine base。 Firstly, according to the development of offshore drilling platform, discussing the semi-submersible platform in deep sea plays an important role in oil and gas engineering。 Highlighting the significance of the research and design to ensure the structural strength of ship structure。 The finite element analysis methods in the field of marine, according to the DNV of ships and offshore installations lifting equipment specification requirements, established the base of the crane finite element model。 The buckling analysis of the base strength and yield strength are analyzed by finite element method of semi-submersible crane platform, through the analysis of deformation and the calculation results, finding the base of the crane in the design of the corresponding load, meeting the strength requirements of various working conditions, summarizing the main points of the design of crane pedestal structure。
Keywords: Semi-submersible platform; Crane; Finite element; The structural strength checking
第一章 绪论 1
1。1 研究目的与意义 1
1。2。1 海上石油开发的发展过程 1
1。2。2 半潜式平台的发展过程 3
1。2。3 半潜式平台结构强度研究现状