关键词 内审外包 风险分析 风险规避
Title The Risks and Avoidance of Internal Audit Outsourcing
With the development of economic management and audit, some companies come to consider the cost, technology, personnel and other factors, and they select to buy internal audit services to the external auditors. So, there is a trend of the internal audit outsourcing. In China, due to the relatively late start of internal audit and internal audit role in their ability to locate and flawed, internal audit institutions and personnel is difficult to fully realize the functions of internal audit and to meet a variety of business and audit needs. Thus, providing internal audit services by professionals and outsourcing the internal audit is feasible. Internal audit outsourcing can reduce internal audit costs, improve quality and efficiency of internal audit work and increase the independence of the audit and it is widely used. But at the same time, the risks of outsourcing are becoming increasingly apparent, and the avoidance of risk analysis has become a priority.
This paper describes the risks and problems of outsourcing the internal audit, analyses the internal audit outsourcing practices of ABC company, and puts forward some countermeasures for avoiding the outsourcing risks to improve the internal audit outsourcing value.
Keywords Internal Audit Outsourcing Risk Analysis Risk Aversion
目 次
1 引言 1
2 内部审计外包的概述 1
2.1 内部审计外包的含义 1
2.2 内部审计外包的形式 2
3 ABC公司内审外包的实践 3
3.1 ABC公司行业背景和概况介绍 3
3.2 ABC公司内审外包的案例分析 4
3.2.1 ABC公司外包过程回顾 4
3.2.2 ABC公司外包存在的风险 5
4 内部审计外包的风险规避 8
4.1 理性选择服务机构 8
4.2 评估外包可能存在的风险 9
4.3 建立内审外包委员会 9
4.4 建立公司监管机制及相应的业绩评价体系 9
4.5 选择合适的外包形式 10
4.6 审查外包合同 11
4.7 构建审计双重领导模式 11
结束语 12
致 谢 13
参 考 文 献 14
1 引言
伴随着经济管理的不断发展和财务、审计知识理念的更新,最早的内部审计外包现象出现在了20 世纪 90 年代的西方国家,并逐步成为现代内部审计发展的势不可挡的潮流。研究表明,企业内部审计外包服务在提高审计独立性、加强企业管理、降低企业成本、提升公司核心价值等方面产生了巨大的积极作用。但是,目前我国对内部审计外包的研究尚处于探索阶段,虽然相关学者和机构对内部审计有一定的研究,形成了一定的理论基础,但是实践方面的欠缺和不足导致企业对内审业务外包的态度犹豫不决和质疑声不断。处于发展的初级阶段的内部审计外包,面临着各种各样的风险及挑战,因此,研究内部审计外包的意义重大。
- 上一篇:管理者过度自信对企业融资行为影响的实证研究
- 下一篇:董事会特征与非效率投资行为的实证研究