    毕业论文关键词:破产 清算会计 存在问题 解决对策
    On the accounting treatment of corporate bankruptcy
    Abstract:Accounting as a product of management after the industrial revolution now has a history of more than a century, and along with the development of the productive forces also had a rapid change, at the same time, the development and perfect myself. Accounting not only holds an economic subject of accounting and auditing work, also has a dominant guidance role for the economic subject, help managers at the right time to make a rational economic decisions.
    Although accounting as a professional type of work and technology in China has a long history, and has made considerable progress and development of accounting system is not the same, but with the constant development of market economy reform and improvement, which can guarantee accounting function under the condition of market economy, can adapt to different stages of enterprise management. Under the condition of market economy, with the increasing competition in the market, enterprises are facing financial difficulties at any time can no longer continue to operate, thus make more and more enterprises have to ordinary liquidation.At present due to the enterprise liquidation operation is not standard, on the one hand, the liquidation enterprise make relevant accounting treatment process of liquidation, the enterprise liquidation losing financial control; Ordinary liquidation without authority, on the other hand, especially attaches great importance to the local competent tax authorities and become the corner that is forgotten, resulting in the loss of the national tax, it directly affects the seriousness of the tax law, integrity and authority. In this paper, the enterprise ordinary liquidation issues related to talk about personal views.
    Keywords:Bankruptcy Liquidation accounting  problem  countermeasures
    目 录
    引 言    - 1 -
    一、破产会计的起源    - 2 -
    (一)破产会计因何而起    -2--
    (二)国内外对破产会计的运用    - 2 -
    (1)中国历史上对破产会计的定义    - 2 -
    (2)国外对破产会计的理解和运用    -3 -
    二、传统会计与破产会计的比较    - 4 -
    (一)、传统会计与破产会计    - 4 -
    1.传统会计目标    -4 -
    2.破产会计核算目标    - 4-
    (二)传统会计和破产会计的区别    - 6 -
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