    关键词:商业银行 会计信息 信息披露
    Title    Accounting information disclosure of Chinese  commercial banks’ problems and improvement   

    At present, our commercial banks’ information disclosure still exist so many problems, for example, inadequate disclosure of information, disclosure system not clear, the disclosure form not regulate, disclosure standard not unified and so on. This situation has been far cannot adapt to the continuous development of socialist market economic and financial development. Especially with the further expansion of the degree of financial openness, increasingly fierce competition, the financial information disclosure of commercial Banks in China need to be resolved. This research achievements in research and inductive method, first in-depth study on information disclosure of various theories, and then focuses on the discussion and analysis of the current situation, and the existing problems and reasons, finally, through the analysis of the differences between the foreign commercial banks’ success experience, found the problem and provide a theoretical basis for the regulation of commercial bank accounting information disclosure system, so as to improve the quality of our country’s commercial bank accounting information disclosure.
    Keywords:  Commercial Banks; Account Information; Information Disclosure
    目  次
    1 引言    1
    1.1课题研究提出的背景    1
    1.2研究的目的和意义    1
    1.2.1 研究目的    1
    1.2.2 研究意义    2
    2 商业银行会计信息披露理论基础概述    2
    2.1 会计信息披露的定义    2
    2.2 会计准则中会计信息披露质量的特征要求    2
    2.3 有关会计信息披露的基本理论    2
    2.3.1 有效市场假说    2
    2.3.2 信息不对称理论    3
    2.3.3 委托代理理论    3
    3 我国商业银行会计信息披露现状    4
    3.1 会计信息披露法律规范    4
    3.2 会计信息披露的执行情况    5
    4 我国商业银行会计信息披露存在的问题及原因    7
    4.1 我国商业银行会计信息披露存在的问题    7
    4.1.1 披露的会计信息不充分    7
    4.1.2 披露制度不明确    7
    4.1.3 披露的标准不统一,形式不规范    8
    4.1.4 惩罚机制欠缺    8
    4.2 我国商业银行会计信息披露存在问题的原因分析    8
    4.2.1 信息披露法律法规不够完善    8
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