    关键词  企业文化  环境信息披露  环境信息  实证研究
    Title An Empirical Study of the relationship  between     Corporate  Culture   and  Environmental  Information   
    Disclosure  Quality                                
    With the deepening of economic globalization, environmental issues became clear., It has become a big challenge a modern enterprise management operators that how companies achieve a dominant position in the market competition. As the external environment and external enterprises are facing increasing competition, human capital management of internal staff is continuously improving. Corporate culture is increasingly important in the corporate management position.  Corporate culture management and corporate environmental information disclosure are drawing more attention. Corporate culture has an important influence on the quality of environmental information disclosure.
    Corporate environmental information disclosure of listed companies not only reflects the interpretation of the corporate culture, but also increased public understanding of the behavior of listed companies. So it will promote certain listed companies to change their behavior. Firstly, the article writes the domestic and international literature review and evaluation, and then describes the relationship between theory and both the corporate culture and corporate environmental information disclosure, and propose hypotheses according to the relationship. Finally, the article chooses a particular industry - electricity, heat , gas and water production of some listed companies and supply to conduct empirical research which use nearly three years of data to analysis enterprise culture of environmental information disclosure quality of the relationship, and finally concludes that how to improve the environmental quality of information disclosure and then gives relevant recommendations.
     Keywords  Corporate Culture   Environmental Information Disclosure 
    Environmental Information   an  Empirical Study 
    目  次

    1 引言    1
    1.1 选题背景    1
    1.2 研究意义与研究目的    1
    1.3 研究方法与研究思路    2
    2 文献综述    4
    2.1 国外文献回顾    4
    2.2 国内文献回顾    5
    3 理论分析与研究假设    7
    3.1 企业文化    7
    3.2 企业环境信息披露    8
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