
    On internal control system of enterprise-sales and collection cycle business

    Abstract:Under the new situation of rapid economic development , the challenges faced by various enterprises is growing wider , not a fierce competition is survival of the fittest , always looked at the alarm to the enterprise's internal control , internal control is imperfect will give enterprises increase the risk of hindering the development of enterprises , some may even bring a heavy blow. Therefore, companies must pay attention to all aspects of internal control , internal control and corporate sales and collection cycle is closely related to the development , in order to win a seat in the market competition in an invincible position , enterprises must establish the basis of a solid internal systems , and continue to improve .
    The article is aware of the importance of the improvement of corporate sales and receivables internal control system in enterprise development topics , find the article to learn more perfect at this stage regarding internal controls books, literature after a breakthrough, in reference to the former literature on internal control system built to form their own ideas . Consider the reality of enterprise sales and collection business cycles, discusses mainly based on the following idea. From the perspective of business process design and implementation of internal control, key control measures to improve business processes through internal controls.

    Key words: internal institutional basis ; internal control system construction ; sales and collection system of internal control ; sales and collection cycle internal control objectives
    目  录

    结论 19
    致 谢20
    参考文献 21
  1. 上一篇:关于上市公司利润操纵及其防范的研究
  2. 下一篇:中国建立环境会计的必要性及其存在的问题的研究
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