    Analysis of commercial bank structure impact on business performance
    Abstract: This paper combined with the literature summarized, the effect of the equity structure of commercial banks on the operating performance of the theoretical analysis, will think there is also significant difference and correlation between different categories of banks were among the two. Then, based on the financial data of 8 listed commercial banks in China in 2016, this paper studies the influence of various factors on the performance of the bank ownership structure by constructing a multiple regression model. The results show that the impact properties of the first major shareholder of the performance is not significant, while the private shares proportion and the proportion of state-owned shares and the proportion of top two shareholders ratio showed a significant positive correlation between the proportion of the first largest shareholder, it showed a significant negative correlation. Based on the above conclusions, this paper argues that we should optimize the ownership structure, the introduction of foreign capital, the healthy development of local banks and the relative concentration of ownership structure, so as to further improve the operating efficiency.
    Key words: commercial banks;shares structure;business performance
    目  录
    摘要    1
    关键词    1
    Abstract    1
    Key words    1
    一、引言    2
    二、 文献综述    2
    (一)银行股权属性与经营绩效关系的研究    2
    1.正相关    2
    2.负相关    2
    3.不相关    2
    (二)银行股权集中度与经营绩效关系的研究    2
    1.正相关    2
    2.负相关    2
    3.不相关    3
    (三)银行股权制衡度与经营绩效关系的研究    3
    1.正相关    3
    2.不相关    3
    3.倒“U”型相关    3
    (四)文献评述    3
    三、 概念界定和理论分析    3
    (一)概念界定    3
    1.商业银行股权属性概况    4
    2.商业银行股权集中程度概况    4
    3.商业银行股权制衡度概况    4
    4.商业银行经营绩效概况    4
    (二)理论分析    5
    1.银行股权属性与经营绩效关系    5
    2.银行股权集中度与经营绩效关系    5
    3.银行股权结构对经营绩效影响的差异化分析    5
    四、 实证分析    6
    (一)数据来源与统计分析    6
    1.模型构建与变量说明    6
    2.变量说明    6
    3.变量统计分析    6
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